Alligator snatches puppy but quickly learns he messed with the wrong dad
The frightening situation was all caught on film.
Jake Manning

It all started on your typical Florida afternoon.

Richard Wilbanks and his beloved pup, Gunner, were enjoying a peaceful stroll when suddenly, chaos erupted.

In a heart-stopping moment, an alligator lunged from the water, clamping its powerful jaws around little Gunner.

What happened next showed the incredible bond between a man and his dog, and the lengths we’ll go to protect those we love.


Without a second thought, Wilbanks sprang into action.

His paternal instincts kicked into overdrive as he plunged into the water after the alligator.

With bare hands and sheer determination, he grappled with the reptile, prying its jaws open to free his furry friend.

It was a scene straight out of an action movie, but for Wilbanks, it was all too real.


The struggle was intense, but Wilbanks’ love for Gunner proved stronger than the alligator’s grip.

As he wrenched the gator’s mouth open, Gunner wriggled free, miraculously escaping with only a minor puncture wound.

Wilbanks, however, didn’t fare quite as well.

His hands were badly chewed up, a painful reminder of the fierce battle he’d just won.


In the aftermath of the ordeal, both man and dog were shaken but relieved.

Gunner, strong as puppies often are, bounced back quickly and is now doing fine.

The sparkle in his eyes and the wag in his tail show no signs of the terrifying encounter he’d survived.

As for Wilbanks, his wounds would heal, but the memory of that day would stay with him forever.


This hair-raising incident serves as a stark reminder of the wild world that often exists right in our backyards.

It shows the need to be aware of our surroundings and maintain a respectful distance from wildlife.

While we may see these areas as our playground, they’re home to creatures who’ve been there long before us.


Lessons learned, Wilbanks has made some changes to his and Gunner’s routine.

He now keeps his furry friend away from the water’s edge and always on a leash during their walks.

It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind and Gunner’s safety.

After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – or in this case, worth avoiding another wrestling match with an alligator!


As news of Wilbanks’ heroic act spread, it captured the attention of people far and wide.

The video of the incident went viral, amassing over half a million views.

Viewers were both horrified by the close call and amazed by Wilbanks’ quick thinking and bravery.

One person wrote:

“I live in Orlando Florida where theres millions of gators outside the city in the suburbs and swamplands. Grew up around these gators and the way this guy held his cigar in mouth and caught the slimy gator in the water is astonishing. He cant be a snowbird.”


The incident sparked conversations about wildlife conservation, pet safety, and the unexpected challenges of living in areas where humans and animals coexist.

It also showcased the incredible lengths pet owners will go to protect their furry family members.

Wilbanks’ actions, while dangerous, were a powerful demonstration of the bond between humans and their pets.


In the end, this harrowing tale had a happy ending, thanks to Wilbanks’ courage and quick reflexes.

As one viewer aptly put it:

“Alligator made a big big mistake thinking he can take a Florida man’s puppy!”

Indeed, the alligator learned the hard way that you don’t mess with a man’s best friend, especially when that man is a determined Florida resident.

While we can admire Wilbanks’ bravery, it’s important to remember that wildlife encounters are best handled by professionals.

In the meantime, Gunner is surely giving his hero extra tail wags and kisses, grateful for his second chance at life.

Watch the video below to see Wilbanks leap into action to save his pup!

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