Man playing trombone alone attracts crowd of unusual fans with “Royals” by Lorde
I loved hearing him play, but when his fans arrived, the scene was set.
Cedric Jackson

Just like humans, it’s been well-documented that animals respond to music. If you’ve spent any time looking at videos online, you’ve probably witnessed this for yourself. Currently, posts show an elephant listening to a man play the piano, a horse that rocks out to Fleetwood Mac, and a donkey that loves to sing along with its owner.


That’s the song involved with yet another remarkable video. The song Royals sung by Lorde is heard being played on a trombone. In all honesty, both the song and that particular instrument are unique. But one group of fans didn’t care in the least.

YouTube Screenshot/Lorde
YouTube Screenshot/Lorde

All alone

This video starts with a man walking toward a field. At first, you’re not sure what he’s doing. He’s standing there in blue jeans, a shirt, and a cowboy hat, and boots. You can kind of see something in his hands but it’s hard to tell what it is.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

Then you hear it

Soon, you hear the distinct sound of a trombone. Now, this man may not be the best musician in the world but he’s enjoying what he does. And if you listen carefully, you can make out the song,

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

Nothing to see

For a few seconds into the video, it appears as though this guy is simply playing his trombone to an empty field. There’s nothing in sight, not even a tree. But then just over the ridge, you spot something.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

What is that?

Initially, you see what looks like several black blobs. It’s all very strange. Whatever it is, as the man continues to play, it gets closer and closer. Although it’s still hard to make out.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

No kidding

Before long, you see them…cows. It’s as though someone just rang the dinner bell and a slew of family members come running for a hot meal. But in this case, the man’s playing caught the cow’s attention.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

They can’t get enough

Instead of stopping, the cows make their way right up to the man. For whatever reason, the trombone sound lures them in. Apparently, they like what they hear and want more.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

Holy cow (pun intended)

This isn’t just a few cows but an entire herd. There must be at least 30 of these animals standing right by the trombone player. It’s pretty remarkable. They’re not scared or aggressive…just loving the music.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

Singing along…

…or more like mooing along. As the guy plays, he bends his knees in timing with the music. It’s at that point that several of the cows begin to moo. We’re not sure if they’re singing or voicing their approval of his subtle dance moves but regardless, it’s awesome.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

One of the coolest videos on the internet

Especially for animal lovers, it’s amazing to watch how a herd of cows respond to a man playing Royals on the trombone. This isn’t something you’d ever expect to see. And as you continue to watch, you’ll notice even more cows making their way over the ridge.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

Once in a while, you need to stop what you’re doing to enjoy a special moment in life. This video is one of those and well-worth watching. To see the reaction of the cows, simply click on the video below. You won’t be disappointed.

YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek
YouTube Screenshot/Farmer Derek

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Source: YouTube, Mentalfloss
