Man Moves And Abandoned His Dog
How could someone abandon this poor dog?
Cedric Jackson

Rubble lived in California with her owner who had bought her to breed.

When she was unable to get pregnant, the owner stopped caring about her. When he decided to move, he had no intentions of taking the dog with him.

Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue
Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue

He abandoned her in her cage in the yard with no food or water.

He left her a cage for shelter. When family members found the dog, they tried to call her owner, but he wouldn’t answer. They quickly realized that he wasn’t coming back for the dog, so they called for help.

Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue
Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue

A woman named Alyssa Aguilar volunteered to help, and she and her boyfriend went to pick up the abandoned dog.

When they saw her, they couldn’t believe her condition. She was skinny, had a skin disease, and had scratched herself so badly that her hair was missing. Aguilar described the dog:

“When I first saw her, I was in shock, then got angry. I just wanted to hug her and make her feel better. I was very upset that she was sleeping outside with her skin looking so bad. My heart broke for her.”

Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue
Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue

They knew she needed vet care.

They could tell that she wanted to be loved and wanted to be better. Aguilar continued:

“Rubble was in great spirits. She came to smell us and let us pet her. She was such a friendly baby.”

They took Rubble to get the care she needed. When the vet weighed her, they were shocked to see that she only weighed 44 pounds. That’s almost half of what an adult bulldog should weigh. Her skin problems were due to her malnutrition and a flea infestation.

Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue
Facebook/A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue

The vet also noticed that she had a problem with her eyes.

It turned out to be eyelid entropion, which causes the eyelids to fold inward. She will need surgery to treat the problem. After her vet checkup, she went to live with Alyssa Staloch, who will foster her until she can have surgery and recover completely.

Staloch says that despite Rubble’s condition and medical problems, she is very happy and lovable. She is also surprisingly trusting of people. Staloch has grown very fond of Rubble and enjoys fostering her and watching her become stronger each day.

Staloch said:

“She is a very sweet girl who just wants to love. She doesn’t crawl in your lap, but she gets as close to you as possible and rests her head on you.”

Facebook/A Chance To Bloom Dog Rescue
Facebook/A Chance To Bloom Dog Rescue

A Chance To Bloom Dog Rescue is helping Rubble get the care she needs and will eventually handle her adoption to a loving family.

They have high hopes for Rubble, and they have no doubt that she will make an amazing pet for the right family someday.


Jessica Russell, founder and president of A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue said:

“She is in bad shape, but we know that she deserves a second chance to shine. At the end of the day, every dog deserves a chance.”

If you would like to help Rubble, you can donate money to help pay her medical bills.

Facebook/A Chance To Bloom Dog Rescue
Facebook/A Chance To Bloom Dog Rescue

Dogs are left abandoned every day.

Most of them aren’t even given any shelter. Sometimes it’s because their owner simply doesn’t want them, because the dog is sick and need medical care that they can’t afford, or because they have to move and don’t want to arrange to take the pet with them.

There are thousands of rescues and animal shelters that are happy to take in unwanted pets. There is no reason a person should leave a pet for dead when they could easily drop that pet off at a shelter. Hopefully, Rubble makes a full recovery and finds a loving home.


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Source: The Dodo
