Man earns praise online for his quick action to free helpless dog hanging from elevator
Fernando was just getting his mail when the unthinkable happened.
Jaclyn Abergas

No matter how smart dogs are, they’re still dependent on their packs and their humans.

We need to be aware of where they are, especially when we’re outside. We need to make sure they’re safe and away from harm.

Unfortunately, at this apartment building, without meaning to, a dog’s owner made the mistake of thinking their dog was just right behind them.

Both his arms were full of packages when he went inside the elevator. The owner most likely called the dog to follow into the elevator.

He didn’t quite make it in.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

That’s where things could’ve gone wrong.

The 0wner called the dog but the dog took its time walking to the elevator and the doors closed before the dog could enter.

The owner could have run and made it in time before the elevator doors closed but unfortunately, the dog got left behind.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

What do you think happened?

It’s a good thing the dog’s leash was attached to a harness wrapped around its body and not a collar.

If it had been wrapped around his neck, a different story would be told.

The other end of the leash must have gotten caught on something outside the elevators because it just looked like the dog was hung on the opening.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

Who knows how long the dog has been stuck there? Who will save the dog?

Fortunately, a man came up to the elevator after who knows how long.

Fernando Santos walked up to the elevator and pushed the button.

He didn’t look up, though.

He was looking down at his phone, mindlessly scrolling while he waited for the doors to open.

Maybe he got tired of what he was seeing on his phone but he finally looked up.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

Fernando jumped back.

Without thinking, he quickly grabbed the dog, which thankfully was not tangled up behind the elevator.

The dog held on to Fernando, just thankful to be free from that bondage.

According to Newsflare, Fernando had gone down to the mailroom to check his mail.

The owner was about to go inside the elevator and Fernando held the door open when he saw that the owner’s arms were full.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

Fernando didn’t notice the dog.

He didn’t realize he wasn’t able to enter the elevator at the same time.

Fernando went to check his mail and was going back up using the elevator when he saw the dog.

Fortunately, the owner lived just one floor above. The dog is doing fine and has been reunited with its owner.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

Besides the obvious rescue, there were a few things viewers noticed that made this heart-wrenching video relieving.

“I love this reaction. The man was shocked. Rescued the dog, and still in shock, but realizes the dog needs some comfort. Nice man,” Susan noticed.

He had so much compassion.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

The dog also kept its cool.

Let’s talk about how chill the dog is though. He’s just hanging there like, “Yeah this happens every day. Nothing new.” I’m glad the dog is okay,” Draco Padilla added.

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YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

See the incredible footage of Fernando’s quick reaction below!

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