Mama dog who escaped house fire has the sweetest reaction to seeing her babies again
Her face says it all. ❤️
Ma Fatima Garcia

Animals, just like humans, can experience trauma.

A fire broke out at a Southern California house in May of this year.

The homeowners quickly escaped from the burning house, but seemed to have forgotten an important part of their family.

Pexels - Pixabay
Pexels - Pixabay

Inside was Bailey, a mama dog who just gave birth, her new litter of beautiful puppies, and the daddy dog.

Concerned neighbors who knew that they were still inside bravely entered the house to rescue them, but all the dogs were already running for their lives.

Bailey was so scared that she ran outside away from the fire, leaving her family behind.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

The Good Samaritans saved the male dogs and Bailey’s litter.

However, after hours of searching, Bailey was nowhere to be found.

Days passed, and a concerned citizen fostered Bailey’s litter and the male dog, but the mama dog was still missing.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

They later found out that Bailey’s owners stayed at the hotel after the fire.

They told the owners about Bailey and the other dogs, but sadly, they said they were no longer willing to take them back.

It was a sad realization for the concerned neighbors.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

Bailey was still missing. She was probably hungry, sad, tired, and traumatized.

The people who should be out looking for her didn’t want her back, she lost her family, and she had nowhere to go.

After a few days, Laurie saw what looked like Bailey at an equestrian center, near the dog’s old house.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

As Laurie saddled up her horse, she saw the terrified dog shivering in the corner of one of the stables.

It was indeed Bailey!

The poor dog was still terrified that when she noticed a person looking at her, she ran away.

Good thing Laurie was able to snap a photo of the dog.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

“The people got out, but they didn’t try to save their dogs,” Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue, told in an interview with The Dodo. “They didn’t even want them after the fire.”

Hall was determined to rescue Bailey and reunite her with her puppies, but she knew it was going to be difficult.

“We’re trying everything, but she won’t go into the trap. She would just go up to the trap and sit right by it,” Hall recalled. “As soon as she saw someone, she would run to another trap.”

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

The next step was to talk to the kind neighbors. There, they set up a plan.

Hall placed some puppies inside a small crate and would place the crate behind the trap.

The plan worked.

When the puppies started squealing, Bailey stopped.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

“Never in my life have I seen a dog run so fast. It was like 0 to 60 in less than 10 seconds,” Hall shared. “She was jumping up and down, but she wouldn’t go in the trap — she just wanted her puppies.”

Bailey knew it was her puppies!

This mama dog had been through so much and hearing her puppies cry for her, knowing they were alive, gave this poor dog hope.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

Still too scared, she only went near the crate but didn’t go further.

This is when Hall picked up one puppy and started giving him kisses and cuddles.

Bailey realized that Hall was a good person, and slowly, the once-terrified mama dog came up to her rescuer.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

Hall placed a slip over Bailey’s neck, and at last, they got her.

What Bailey did next was unexpected.

Mama dog Bailey jumped onto her lap and started kissing her. It was like she was thanking her for everything.

Hall took Bailey to a foster home where she met her puppies once again and their dad, too.

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Instagram Photo Screenshot - logans_legacy29

Just after a few weeks, Mama Bailey and three of her pups finally found their forever home.

Two of her pups, and the male dog, are still looking for their forever family.

Interested in adopting them? Message Suzette Hall here.

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