‘Lonely’ lion that spent 15 years stuck in concrete cage touches grass for first time
He finally got to feel the sun on his face.
Jake Manning

Imagine a world where the simple pleasure of feeling grass under your feet is a distant dream.

This was the reality for Ruben, a 15-year-old lion who spent most of his life in a concrete enclosure in a private zoo in Armenia.

When the zoo closed down, Ruben was left behind, isolated and forgotten.

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But his story takes a heartwarming turn when he is finally rescued and brought to a sanctuary in Africa.

The moment he steps onto the grass for the first time is nothing short of magical, showing the resilience of the animal spirit and the transformative power of compassion.

Ruben’s early life was far from idyllic.

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Born in a private zoo that eventually closed its doors, he was left alone for over five years.

Though people would occasionally feed him through the bars, his existence was confined to concrete and metal.

The absence of social interaction took a toll on him — lions are social animals that communicate through roars, and when Ruben roared, there was no one to answer back. The silence became so overwhelming that he eventually stopped roaring altogether.

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The story takes a turn when a lion sanctuary in Africa learns about Ruben’s plight. A complex and arduous process of rescue begins, involving multiple organizations and logistical hurdles.

The journey to Africa is a 15-hour flight, and the sanctuary team takes every precaution to ensure Ruben’s comfort.

His crate is painted white to reflect heat, and the interior is sprayed with lavender and feline hormones to keep him calm.

The team even travels on the same flight, albeit in the passenger section.

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The moment Ruben arrives in Africa is transformative. As he steps out of his crate and feels the grass beneath his paws for the first time, his reaction is almost contemplative.

He looks up at the sky, perhaps seeing the sun without barriers for the first time. Birds fly overhead, and the wind rustles through his mane.

It’s as if he’s experiencing the world anew, taking in every sight, sound, and sensation with a sense of wonder.

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Ruben’s new home is the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary in Africa, a haven for rescued animals. Here, he is introduced to toys, possibly his first-ever playthings.

The sanctuary also houses other lions rescued from circuses and similar unfortunate circumstances.

Ruben seems to find solace in watching his neighbors, as if finding a sense of community he never knew he needed.

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The sanctuary staff notices a significant change in Ruben’s demeanor. In Armenia, he was anxious and difficult to approach.

But in Africa, his defensive posture melts away. He becomes more engaged, more interested, and seemingly happier.

It’s as if the very soil of his homeland has a healing effect on him, transforming him from a defensive lion into an animal at peace with his surroundings.

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While Ruben can’t be released into the wild due to his age and health conditions, the sanctuary has built a special enclosure to meet his needs.

The team is also considering introducing him to a companion, although this is a slow and careful process. Ruben has earned the right to make choices about his life, a luxury he was denied for so many years.

Despite years of isolation and neglect, Rubeun’s love for life remained intact.

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As Ruben sits in his new home, the wind blowing through his mane and the sun shining down on him, one can’t help but feel a sense of triumph.

His story is a beacon of hope, showing the indomitable spirit of animals and the incredible difference that a single act of kindness can make.

Ruben may have spent years in darkness, but now he basks in the light, and in doing so, illuminates the path for others to follow.

Check out Ruben’s full story in the video below!

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