“Do we get to keep it?”
This phrase is uttered by children all over the world when presented with a kitten or puppy, but I don’t think there has ever been a child who can make these words as heartwarming and heartbreaking as this little girl.

“I d**n near ugly cried,” said one commenter.
“A child that shows that much gratitude to her Momma and compassion for animals, will surely go on to be a loving human being! She’s so sweet and innocent and I’m truly happy for her. Kudos to her parents for instilling these values into her little heart!” exclaimed another.
With 266K likes and nearly 500,000 comments, this video touched an emotional chord in both men and women, the young and the old. What is really getting to people is just the pure love and gratitude she expresses when she holds her new kitten.

When her mom asks if she is happy, the little just says over and over again, “I am Mommy, I am.” She then proceeds to thank her mom over and over again for this spectacular gift.
Apparently, this little girl had lost her cat and best friend, Simon, earlier that year. Her mom, hoping to help her deal with the tragedy, bought her another kitten to love and care for. Judging by her reaction at seeing the kitten for the first time, we are guessing that her mom made the right decision.

Marley, as other sources report the kitten’s new name as being, is in for a life of unconditional love and friendship.
Many people are commenting on how wonderful it is to see a child express so much emotion over an animal. While it is true that most children love their pets, it is hard to convince them that pets need just the same amount of love, attention and care as we do as humans. But the little girl in this video seems wise beyond her years, and when she cradles that kitten in her arms, the internet simultaneously agrees that she is going to be one good cat-mom. Which is saying something, because the internet never agrees on anything.
“I love it, I love it, Mommy,” she cries. And as she looks up into her mom’s eyes, you know she means it.

Viewers dare future viewers to watch the video and not cry, and now we impose that same challenge on you. Watch it, shed a tear or two, and then pass it on to your friends and family members to do the same.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.