Rescue Kitten And Golden Retriever Have Special Friendship
This tiny kitten turned out to be more than they were expecting.
Colby Maxwell

Dogs and cats have a long and trope-filled relationship.

They are usually depicted as dire enemies and at each other’s throats at any chance possible.

As far back as 20 million years ago, felines and canines have been struggling in the wild the gain dominance.


This ancient rivalry has spawned many cartoons and television shows depicting these two animals constantly fighting each other.

One video might just show how that rivalry is officially over!

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Kisses galore.

One ginger kitten rescued by a loving family was about to get all the kisses she could ever dream of!

The kitten, Koda, was a month old when his family brought him home and he fit in the palm of a human hand! He was going to be living with his new humans and Keelo, a Golden Retriever.

Keelo was an adult when Koda came into the home, and it was a good thing, too!

Koda loved to play like a toddler, running around the house and messing with his older sibling whenever he got the chance! Incredibly, Keelo didn’t mind one bit.

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Perfectly snuggled up.

After playing, Koda would snuggle up with Keelo and fall right to sleep. The little kitten knew he was perfectly safe with his friend.

With a sleepytime kiss, Koda always fell right to sleep.

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And what about during playtime?

You would think that Koda would shy away from the challenge given the size difference, but no.

Koda’s got spunk!

After all, this little one has nine lives under his furry belt! Bring it on, Keelo!

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The challenger, fighting out of the kitty corner!

These two give new meaning to the classic saying, “They fight like cats and dogs.”

Keelo is MUCH bigger than Koda but is never too rough.

He knows just how far he can go while the two play together, even when Koda wants to roughouse! There is a lot of love behind all that golden fur.

Supposedly sworn enemies to the bitter end? Not even close.

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Their Instagram is choc-full of those wonderful moments.

Cats are usually pretty solitary individuals, but Koda seems to be fitting in with the dog pack mentality splendidly. It’s always a moment of joy in your day to see something so sweet and innocent.

“However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.” – Albert Einstein

Dogs will typically chase animals that are smaller than them, often including cats. You need to take precautions when bringing them in a home together.

Getting started early is the key. Nurturing a dog’s chase-response to calm down is very possible and can result in your pooch becoming friends with almost any critter around!

If this isn’t proof that dogs and cats can be friends, what is?!

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Sharing is caring

After hours spend playing, they get pretty tired! A nap and a snack are always a great way to end a play session.

You can see their friendship, even during meal-time. Keelo isn’t possessive at all, he wants to share!

As a matter of fact, Koda and Keelo share everything under their owner’s roof. After all, there’s always space when there is love!

Check out their social media if you can’t get enough of their wonderful relationship!

Watch their adorable friendship below. It will melt your heart in a puddle.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family

Source: YouTube, Instagram
