A San Francisco resident was jogging along Ocean Beach when they heard something strange.
While it sounded like a dog barking, there appeared to be no dog or human in sight.
The jogger decided to get closer to the rocks where he heard the muffled sound.

Somehow he was able to spot a dog through the piled rocks.
The dog was completely buried under them.
The only thing visible was the pup’s tiny scared face.

The jogger contacted the San Francisco Animal Care and Control.
That organization rushed down the area which was near the sewage treatment plant.
“It is beyond lucky that we even got this call,” San Francisco Animal Care and Control said in an Instagram post. “It was low tide, and the water, while not very close at this point, was coming in.”

The jogger had already left before Animal Control Officer Ortega arrived at the scene.
However, the jogger did send animal control a pin of the dog’s location and picture.
“I started looking at all the rocks on the cliffside, trying to match the pattern of the rocks in the picture with what I was looking at in front of me,” Ortega said.
“But the entire area looked identical to what the picture looked like.”

Ortega was able to locate the area shown in the photos after about 15 minutes.
He knew he had to move fast before the water started rising.
Ortega moved several large rocks in order to unearth spaces that looked like they were big enough to hold a dog.

Ortega was about to call for backup and took one last look at the rocks when he saw a dog staring back at him.
The poor dog was so scared that she was shivering and completely silent.
Ortega put his hand out and the dog allowed him to pet her. She even nuzzled up against him.

Apparently, the dog’s owner had already reported her missing.
The 1-year-old Springer Spaniel was named Gwen.
Ortega was eventually able to put a leash on Gwen and lift her out of the rocks.

Thankfully, she didn’t have any injuries and Ortega took a selfie with her.
Ortega brought Gwen back to his truck and scanned her for a microchip.
He was in contact with Gwen’s family within minutes.

Ortega found out that Gwen had gone missing earlier that morning. Gwen couldn’t have been happier to be home and with her family again.
“The only way a rescue like this can happen is with a team effort and help from the public,” Ortega said. “Because the jogger was able to give us such pertinent information and the dispatchers asked the right questions, we found her just in time.”
It is still unknown exactly how Gwen got stuck in those rocks. She may have gotten a rock loose and fallen in before it rolled back on top.
Fortunately, she is safe and sound thanks to a team effort.
Check out the organization’s full Facebook post below!
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