Reuben is one dog that wanted to send a message to his owner loud and clear.
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He may not verbalize it well (of course, because he’s a dog), but he communicates his intent with such intensity that his owner has no choice but to put his foot down.
How does Reuben communicate with his human?
Animals have their unique way of communicating with humans.

Since they can’t talk like us, they let us know how they feel or show their intent through the various sounds they make or their body language.
It can be a hit or miss because we don’t always know if it all means the same thing each time, but the more we get to know our pets, the easier it is to understand what they’re trying to say.
Let’s take dogs as an example.

There are many ways a dog communicates with their humans.
Primarily, they use different vocalizations like barking, whimpering, growling, and the like.
But each of these could mean differently if you pair vocalizations with their body language, such as their tail, ears, and stance.
Reuben has mastered all that, especially when he wants something really bad.

Mike Melnotte uploaded this short video of him and his dog Reuben.
People enjoyed this interaction so much because it was funny and relatable. So, what exactly transpired in this video?
The poor dog pleaded with his fur dad to cuddle beside him, but his dad was not having any of it.

Reuben whimpered and huffed because he wanted to lie down beside Mike.
He gave him this pleading look and even a little kiss, but it backfired because he sprayed him with his “cheese-smelling mucus.”
Ew. Now, Mike definitely did not want to cuddle with his dog.
Reuben took offense to that comment and walked away, pouting on his bed.

“Look how novel. He’s actually using his bed… for once,” Mike said. “Although, he’s not happy about it.”
Yes, he wasn’t, and he made that obvious.

You can see Reuben lying on his bed, pouting and letting out big, angry barks.
He wanted to lay down on top of Mike, but this owner was stern in his decision.
I don’t blame him because fur parents sometimes need some “me” time.

Mike dropped the truth bomb, which people could totally relate to saying:
“Sometimes, I need a break because I can’t always have a dog on top of me every time I lay down,” he said.
All the poor dog could do was pout on his bed. Sorry, Reuben. Not this time.

His vocalizations and body language said it all.
With the whimpers and barks and all that pouting at the back, this dog was not happy when he did not get what he wanted.
It’s a sad thing to watch, but it’s also funny how Reuben realizes that he can’t always get what he wants.
It’s cute to see dogs communicate their feelings with their owners this way.
Watch the video below and see why this adorable clip reached over 8M views!
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