Husky sees rolled-up blanket and barks when she spots abandoned baby inside
Hel was sent from 'heaven' to save this baby boy.
Jenny Brown

Dogs are often said to be man’s best friend, but for one Husky in Birmingham, England, that title extends to even the smallest of humans.

Hel, the Husky, became an overnight hero when she discovered an abandoned newborn baby during a walk in the park with her owner, Terry Walsh.

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Terry Walsh believes that it wasn’t just Hel’s natural instincts that led her to the infant; he thinks it was divine intervention.

“He believes Hel was ‘sent from heaven to rescue a newborn baby boy,'” Walsh said, emphasizing the miraculous nature of the event.

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The discovery happened on a Thursday evening, commonly known as tea-time in England.

Hel and Walsh were enjoying their routine walk when Hel’s keen senses picked up something unusual.

She sniffed out a pile of blankets and led Walsh straight to it.

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At first glance, Walsh thought it was just a discarded blanket.

He said, “I turned round to grab hold of Hel so she didn’t walk over the glass, and she went off to the blanket, lying next to it, and started nudging it with her nose very gently.”

Hel’s gentle nudges were enough to wake the baby, who then began to cry. Walsh was astonished.

“Suddenly I heard this baby cry. I think it was Hel’s gentle nudging and the heat from my Husky’s body that woke the baby up,” he told Birmingham Live.

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The situation could have been much worse, Walsh pointed out.

“A bigger dog or another dog with a different temperament might well have just ripped and tugged at the blanket and the baby could have been treated like a rag doll and then you’ve also got the foxes and the rats and everything in there. How would they treat a baby?” he questioned.

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Walsh immediately contacted the authorities, who arrived at the scene in an area known as The Mounds on Shannon Road.

Hel has since been celebrated as a hero, with many people suggesting she should receive some kind of honor or medal for her actions.

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The baby, who was found to be in good health and just hours old, was taken to the hospital and named George.

“He is doing really well and is being well cared for,” said a statement from the local police department.

The search for the baby’s mother began immediately, as she could have been in need of medical attention.

Eight months later, the mother was finally identified

. The police stated, “We can confirm that no further action will be taken by us and, with partners, we are ensuring that she is getting the appropriate support and care she needs.”

They also urged the public to reserve judgment, adding, “This is a very upsetting case, we would ask you not to speculate any further, as this is deeply distressing for those concerned.”

Learn more about incredible Hel in the video below!

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