Dancing is one of the most ancient expressions that humanity has! Over the years, humans have developed different methods and ways to show off their skills and dance to some music! The beautiful thing about dancing is that you can express emotion, tell stories, and have a blast while doing it!

This video might just prove that other species are picking up the practice.

While we might originally think that humans have exclusive rights to dancing, we would be wrong! Tons of other animals “dance,” even if it isn’t what we are familiar with.
Ants are some of the most OG dancers out there.

Ants communicate through dancing! If you have ever wondered how an ant can find its way into your home and within 10 minutes, a line of ants is leading to a crevice in your house, you have dancing to thank for that.
When an ant finds some food, it goes back to its colony and does a little jig to let everyone know where to go.

In a bizarre version of interpretive dance, ants shake and jimmy to tell exactly where the secret passage into your home is. When the news is out, ants all across the colony form up and dance to let everyone know. The only thing left for you to do is to call an exterminator!
Even horses seem to like dancing!

Now that we know all sorts of creatures love to dance, videos like this make a lot more sense! One horse decided to show off it’s dancing skills and let me tell you, it rivals those of most humans!
The dance style in question? Line dancing!

A line dance is described as:
“a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows, all facing either each other or in the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time.”
Cowboys love to line dance! What better teacher for a horse than a cowboy!
Dancing to the song “Achey Brakey Heart” this is a hilarious reminder that animals can always surprise us.

The dancing horse has a cowgirl rider and some friends joining it in the dance. Line dancing by yourself is never fun! When they begin dancing, they start off simple – you can’t show all your cards right in the beginning!
Moving forwards and backward, this horse doesn’t even break a sweat!

While you might think that the human rider controls every movement of the horse, a closer inspection is deserved. YOu can occasionally see the rider giving a hint about what’s next, but the horse really knows its moves! It is much more dancing by itself than it is being controlled into it.

After completing a full circle, the horse gets a pat of appreciation.

When the horse finishes its final circuit of the dance, the crowd gives it the cheers it deserves! The awesome thing about this horse is that it didn’t have to do a bunch of fancy footwork, it simply moved in time with the other dancers! Maybe line dancing isn’t that hard after all…
Check out the video below!
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