This story has a sad start.
So this is your warning if you want to get a tissue or two for those tears.
Over in Serbia, a dog rescue shelter spotted something on the side of the road.

Their name is Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac.
In reality, it’s a small branch of the larger Dog Rescue Shelter organization that also has operations and shelters in other countries.
And much to their pride, their Serbian-based branch boasts of being one of the largest no-kill shelters in Serbia.
These are folks genuinely committed to their cause.
What they spotted on the side of the road was nothing pleasant.
It was two puppies, but only one was alive to greet them.

The one to greet them was a lost puppy with great enthusiasm for a dog in such a dangerous place.
She wagged and paced back and forth like nothing was wrong, even though something terrible had happened to her recently.
She was near a canal, and beside her was the lifeless body of another puppy. It was her brother.
The sight was heartbreaking.
It was a wonder that the survivor was so happy and outgoing toward her rescuers.
Though I don’t doubt that she probably mourned her sibling long before people began showing up.

Though it wasn’t surprising.
They were near the side of the road, and accidents are pretty common on roads like this.
Many stray animals end up like this. The high number of stray or homeless animals with no homes is a problem.
Another reason is the ridiculously high number of cars that can end up congesting roads.

And those two problems together can have pretty devastating consequences.
It was time to take this puppy to a better place.
They wouldn’t want her to end up like her brother.

They named her Nina and began working to convince her to come with them.
It wasn’t easy, but Nina came with them and had no idea that her life was about to change.
It’s a shame that her brother didn’t see it happen, but such is life for countless strays like Nina.

A forever home, or at least a potential one, was waiting for her.
They took Nina out of the dangerous roads and into the safer shelter. There, they learned she was about 7 months old.

About a million animals end up like Nina’s brother every year. Could most of those have been avoided?
Well, Nina’s off to a better life now.
Her time in the shelter saw her getting checked up and cleaned.
Then when the time was right, she eventually found her forever home.
It was a loving home with another dog, so Nina had a best friend now as well.

And to think that she almost ended up living on the streets.
It goes to show how much rescue shelters do for all our four-legged friends worldwide.
Watch the video below to see how Nina’s rescue went!
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