Here's 3 Tips On How To Take Care Of Puppies While At Work
Splitting your time between work and your puppies might be easier than you think.
Ryan Aliapoulios

Having a dog is a big responsibility. Though they can provide us plenty of love and companionship, dogs are very energetic animals that need plenty of love and attention. Although it can be relatively easy to raise a dog out in the country, dog owners face a whole new host of challenges when it comes to living in the city. These issues are compounded when your dog is still a puppy—after all, puppies need even more attention and care.

For new dog owners who live in the city, here are some tips on what to do with your puppy when you’re off at work.

Take Time Off Kang
Source: Kang

Obviously, it’s not always possible to always take time off to spend time with your dog. Still, when your dog is a puppy you should try to take a few days off to spend some time with him and get him used to his surroundings. During that time, you’ll at least communicate that he is safe and that this is his home as well.

Invest In A Puppy Pen moross
Source: moross

Although once our dogs are grown up we can also consider crate training them, putting our puppies in a crate just simply doesn’t work. Still, you also don’t want your puppy to tear up your entire house while you’re not around. For younger puppies, one of the best options is to make a spacious puppy pen with toys for them to play with as well as newspaper down on the ground just in case they have any accidents.

Find Some Additional Help

On the far end of this spectrum, you might consider hiring some extra help to watch your puppy while you’re at work. For when your puppies are up to three months old, they will need to be let out to go pee at least once in the mid-morning. Although your dogs can probably hold it in the middle of the day once they’re about three to six months old, the early stages still play a pivotal role in their development.

Obviously, raising a puppy can be a very rewarding experience—and it can even lead to a lifelong friendship. Still, it’s important to make sure they’re getting all the love and attention they need during the crucial puppy stages.

Have you tried any of these tips or have more tips of your own? Tell us in the comments below.

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