We all do things to get out of trouble. As kids, we learn that our cuteness can be weaponized against the people in our lives to get out of “sticky” situations. Did something wrong? Make some cute eyes and get all sobby about it and it’s likely your dad would forgive you for coloring on the wall.
As we all know, it’s not just humans who can make baby eyes, animals can too!
The phrase that’s been popularized is “puppy eyes” and they are named that for a reason. Puppies are some of the best animals on the planet for looking guilty in a way that just makes you want to forgive them! The great bastion of knowledge, Urban Dictionary, says this:
When an animal or person tilts their head and somehow gives the effect of adorable, big, puppy eyes. It can make people say yes since they can’t resist the cuteness. Most people can do it with a little bit of makeup.
We’ve all been the abuser and victim of puppy dog eyes before.
There is actually scientific data behind why it actually works! First, we have to know what LOAM means. LOAM stands for, “a forehead muscle named the levator anguli oculi medialis”. Apparently, dogs specifically developed this through evolution to get what they want from us!
Puppy dog eyes are achieved by the LAOM raising the inner eyebrows, in some cases quite dramatically. The movement makes the eyes look larger and the face more babyish. Humans use different muscles to produce a similar expression when they are sad, which may explain why it brings out the caregiver in people. – The Guardian
We are literally being manipulated into giving animals what they want!
As one video shows, it isn’t even just dogs who have this ability. It’s donkeys! In a viral video from a few months ago, we meet Steve, a big donkey. Steve’s owner has been having problems and is looking for a culprit.
The farmer knows that someone has been going into the feeding shed and eating more food than they should.
“I’m not saying it’s you, there just seems to be a correlation between when you’re allowed to roam free and when the break-ins happen in the feed shed.”
The man has very good evidence that it’s Steve who is the one breaking in and eating feed. Steve’s response? To deny and give “puppy eyes”!
As the man talks, he tells Steve that it’s hard for him to confront him when he’s acting like this.
“Please, don’t try and… I feel like you’re not listening to me”
Steve’s best defense is to play it safe and just lick his friend’s face. While they are very different animals, it looks like dogs and donkeys have the same responses to being confronted on something they did wrong! The tough part is when they look so adorable you really don’t want to discipline them. Steve seems to be quite the smart ass.
Check out the video below!
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