Golden retriever adorably sprints outside when he hears squirrel best bud ‘call his name’
This is one of the most precious friendship ever!
Cherie Gozon

Unusual friendships between animals are often the cutest and sweetest.

Unsplash - Yan Laurichesse
Unsplash - Yan Laurichesse

People see it as unusual, especially if these creatures are known to fight a lot and chase each other.

But most of those animal dynamics stereotypes are wrong because we’ve seen a lot of “frenemies” that ended up with the most precious friendships.

So, imagine a Golden Retriever being friends with a squirrel. Unlikely, right? No. Not really.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

Because this adorable pup named Murphy made friends with a squirrel named Chippy.

While most of his kind would chase squirrels around, he feels differently towards them.

It started when Murphy noticed Chippy on their porch, which piqued his interest.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

The little squirrel looked at this giant, furry creature with interest as she chipped around to study him from afar.

She was cautious but curious and tried not to go too near him.

Murphy felt the same as he slowly approached Chippy on tiptoes; she would take a step back each time he stepped forward.

This became a daily occurrence, much to his fur mom’s amazement.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

Judie continued to observe their encounters and realized that her Golden Retriever had found a new friend in this wild squirrel who visited their house often.

So, she decided to help the two take their friendship to a higher level.

Judie thought offering nuts was the best way to win Chippy’s trust.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

She kept a jar of nuts and would leave a few pieces on their porch.

True enough, Chippy would munch on them when she arrived, and Murphy immediately understood the pattern.

He also understood that whenever she would take out the jar of nuts that it was for Chippy.

This made Murphy giddy every day as he waited and watched his dear friend arrive.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

They kept doing this until they finally gained Chippy’s trust, even bringing her his favorite toy as if inviting her to play.

Soon enough, the little squirrel would come for a visit and call out to Murphy.

Their bond grew stronger during these frequent visits, and Judie was happy to see their friendship blossom.

However, Chippy stopped coming, and this made Murphy sad.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

He would sit by the door still waiting for his dear friend, but she didn’t arrive.

At times, he would continue bringing toys hoping that Chippy would return.

Murphy missed his best friend so much that Judie bought him a squirrel toy.

Still, it wasn’t the real Chippy.

One day, Judie noticed Murphy looking out the door, tail wagging madly. She looked outside, and it was Chippy!

Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo
Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

They soon discovered she did not visit for weeks because she gave birth and had to care for her little ones.

She returned and introduced her babies to her dear friends, and Murphy was happy to see his pal again.

Judie hoped that this friendship would span for years.

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Facebook Screenshot - Odd Couples by The Dodo

This unlikely friendship between her Golden Retriever and a squirrel named Chippy was one of the most wholesome, incredible friendships she ever witnessed, and she saw how much joy it brought to Murphy.

To see that go on for years is something she would treasure as a fur mom.

Watch the full story of Murphy and Chippy in the video below.

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