Golden retriever meets kitten for first time and has hilariously ‘skeptical’ response
He wasn't sure what to make of this little guy.
Luis Gaskell

Bailey, a lovable golden retriever with a massive following of over 500,000 subscribers on YouTube, has captured hearts with his charming antics and affectionate demeanor.

Known for his amusing and heartwarming interactions, Bailey has a special segment where he meets new animals and people.

This popular series has seen Bailey encounter ducklings, babies, and bunnies, showcasing the gentle and friendly demeanor you’d expect from a Golden retriever.

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In the latest video, which has garnered an impressive 18 million views, Bailey meets a kitten for the first time.

This much-anticipated meeting starts with Bailey comfortably lounging on a couch, a perfect display of his relaxed personality.

His fans are immediately drawn in, eager to see how their favorite golden retriever will react to this new, tiny visitor.

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As the humans bring the kitten closer to Bailey, he becomes cautious, hiding behind the armrest of the couch.

This initial hesitation is quite unlike Bailey, who is usually very open and curious about new friends.

His wary behavior might be a hint that he’s not had the warmest of meetings with cats in the past.

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The scene is as amusing as it is a little bit heartwarming as Bailey, who is usually so confident, seems uncomfortable.

He even runs away at one point, prompting the humans to reconsider how to arrange this meeting.

They decide to give Bailey some time and space to adjust before trying again.

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After a brief break, the humans wait until Bailey is settled back on the couch and then gently bring the kitten closer once more.

This time, Bailey shows clear signs of discomfort.

His body language indicates he’s uneasy, perhaps due to past experiences with cats.

It’s evident that this meeting is a lot more challenging for the otherwise outgoing retriever.

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Despite the humans’ best efforts to make the introduction as smooth as possible, Bailey continues to struggle.

He lets out a few barks and even needs to be carried like a baby at one point, a sight that is both endearing and a little bit sad for his fans to see.

Bailey’s usual bravery seems to be missing in this encounter.

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The video captures Bailey’s ongoing struggle as he refuses to acknowledge the kitten.

His avoidance and reluctance are clear, and despite the humans’ gentle encouragement, Bailey remains wary.

It’s a surprising reaction from a dog who is typically so friendly and outgoing, making the video all the more compelling to watch for his loyal viewers and subscribers.

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The hope remains that Bailey and the kitten will eventually become friends.

As with any new relationship, it might just take a little more time and patience.

Bailey’s fans are surely rooting for him, hoping to see him overcome his fears and form a bond with the kitten, just as he has with so many other animals before.

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This video, with its 18 million views, shows Bailey’s popularity and the affection his fans have for him.

His cautious and gentle nature shines through, even during awkward first meetings.

As viewers continue to follow Bailey’s adventures, they’ll undoubtedly be watching to see if he can conquer his fears and add a new feline friend to his list of companions.

Check out Bailey and the kitten’s funny meeting in the video below!

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