German Shepherd meets abandoned fawns then starts using littlest one as his pillow
His owners couldn't believe it when they saw how he interacted with the fawns.
Cedric Jackson

If you know anything at all about the German Shepherd breed, you understand how loyal, beautiful, and protective it is. Their protectiveness is just one reason why so many people use this type of dog for safety purposes. You see them utilized by law enforcement agencies for search and rescue, to sniff out drugs, and to take down bad guys. They also make great guard dogs.

But there’s another side to the German Shepherd. Not only are these pups fantastic with kids but also animals, even the non-dog types. By scrolling through social media sites, you’ll have no problem finding hundreds upon hundreds of photos of German Shepherds cuddled up with dogs, cats, and other creatures.

What about deer?

Come to find out, the German Shepherd also loves deer, especially tiny fawn. Recently, a story broke about a dog that “adopted” some orphaned fawns. And it touched the hearts of animal and non-animal lovers alike.

Unsplash/yuichun Leung
Unsplash/yuichun Leung

The rebel

The owner of the German Shepherd, named Sarge, explained that when he was a puppy, he’d get into all kinds of mischief. He was known for chasing puppies from his litter around and biting the toes of his humans. So, what happened as an adult surprised everyone.


Enjoying country life

Since the Stephens family lived in the country, Sarge is around all kinds of animals, including cows, chickens, squirrels, and more. But then one day, several abandoned fawns showed up. At first, no one was sure how this dog would react.


Choosing his favorite

Although this large dog was gentle with all of them, he took particular interest in the smaller fawn. It didn’t take long before these two developed a very unique and special friendship. Soon, Sarge and the fawn, now named Buckwheat, were sleeping side-by-side.

TheDodo/Cheryl Stephen
TheDodo/Cheryl Stephen

Something clicked

It was as though Sarge knew this fawn needed him more than the others. As Cheryl Stephens stated, “Something clicked in Sarge and he took to Buckwheat instantly. He wanted to be involved with every aspect of Buckwheat’s care.”


It went beyond care

You know, German Shepherds are extremely intelligent and Sarge is no different. From the first day Buckwheat arrived at the Stephen’s home, he gave himself the title of “fawn babysitter.” But in exchange, Buckwheat was happy to have such a strong and loving friend.


Standing by his side

Initially, Buckwheat’s legs were wobbly. So, he wasn’t able to move very fast. For Sarge, that wasn’t a problem. Instead of rushing the fawn along, he followed at his pace. This dog was incredibly patient whether outdoors exploring or inside the house. Yes, Buckwheat came indoors.


Growing up

As all fawns do, Buckwheat started to grow. But if he ventured too far away from the house, Sarge would head out on patrol to locate him and bring the little fellow back where he belonged. During the day, the two would enjoy time together on the front porch.


A perfect pillow

But these buddies also napped indoors. At some point, Buckwheat discovered that Sarge made a perfect pillow. So, he’d always lay close while resting his head on his furry canine companion. The two loved to snuggle and offer each other support.


Where are they today?

The Stephens family did the right thing by releasing Buckwheat back into the wild. But as their story spread, people reached out for help in rehabilitating injured and orphaned fawns. Now, every time a new baby arrives, Sarge becomes overly excited.


Sadly, not all of the fawns make it. When one dies, this German Shepherd goes through several days of grieving. But for those that thrive, he’s right there to help and cuddle. For whatever reason, the fawns that come to the Stephen’s home are automatically drawn to this loveable dog.

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Source: TheDodo, Instagram
