There’s a reason why we have the stereotype that a fox is a ‘sly’ creature – because this Snapchat video is proof that they really are.
Reddit user tootsaysthetrain had an interesting encounter recently while walking along the street. Soon – interesting turned into panic, which then turned into hilarity, and ending with relief. Thankfully, this Reddit user documented it all for the world to see – and laugh at.
First, he notices the beautiful fox standing at the end of the alley.

Of course, you’d have to Snapchat to share the rare sighting with your friends, which he did. The guy filming seems to have caught the fox’s attention because the wild animal stops to turn around and stare him down for a moment.
The fox looks wary of the man and begins to trot away, so, of course, the guy follows to see where the fox is going. Noticing he’s being followed, the fox turns around to see why he all of the sudden has a stalker.
As the guy filming gets closer, the fox becomes more curious and wants to come take a closer look and smell.

The red, fluffy fox comes prancing over to the man with a bit of hesitation but he seems too curious to back away. He gets closer and closer, almost as if he wants to be pet – but soon, the guy discovers that’s not what he wants at all.
Kneeling down to film him, the fox appears to have caught onto a scent that he’s interested in. As the camera pans down, we see the sly, sneaky canine slowly put his head down and snatch up the man’s black leather wallet.
Before the man could even blink, the fox snatched up his wallet and took off running down the street.

Now, the chase was on. The guy starts to chase the fox (still filming, thank goodness!) but the wild dog-like animal is a skilled hunter and is used to running and high speeds. Running through a yard, dodging in and out of cars, the man is determined to get his wallet back.
The man jumps over a row of shrubs and the little furry thief can be seen in the video, almost stopping to tease him. But soon, he’s off running once again.
When the next Snapchat starts playing, it’s impossible not to laugh out loud.

Still without his wallet, the man continues to film the fox from the other side of some hedges. The wallet thief with red fur is just staring right back at him, mocking him for not being to keep up or catch him.
Of course, after capturing this entire ordeal on video, he had to post it to his Reddit page – and thank goodness he did because it’s absolutely hilarious. As soon as it was uploaded, people un-shockingly weighed in with their thoughts.
Funny enough, the very next day, the Reddit user uploaded a photo of an amazing discovery he made.

If there’s a lesson to be learned by watching this hilarious encounter below it’s – don’t ever trust a fox.
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