Fisherman gets 'punched' by a mantis shrimp and the results aren't pretty
Mantis shrimp are known for having one of the most powerful punches in the world...and this fisherman found out the hard way.
Rebecca Reid

Don’t judge a mantis shrimp by its name.

These little suckers might be small and named after a tasty ocean crustacean but mantis shrimp aren’t actually shrimp. These ancient ocean dwellers are called stomatopods and they were here well before the dinosaurs. Their secret to survival? It could be a fierce case of the Napolean complex or the fact that they have a punch faster than a .22 caliber bullet.

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

The fisherman and the mantis shrimp.

It sounds like the beginning of an epic novel but when fisherman, Mr. Markus set out into deep waters he wasn’t expecting to pick a fight with a mantis shrimp. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened and the mantis shrimp went out swinging.

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

Hello little fella.

In a video uploaded to YouTube, Mr. Markus, shares his unfortunate interaction with one very angry mantis shrimp. The video shows the moment that the mantis shrimp is caught on the line and reeled into the boat.

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

Say hello to my little friend.

In the video, you can see Mr. Markus cutting the mantis shrimp from the line. It falls into the boat and within seconds you hear the fisherman crying out in pain. “That thing just grabbed onto me and smashed my foot. He cut through…wow he just punched through my brand new booties.” – Mr. Markus

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

The mantis shrimp gives it his best shot.

We really can’t blame the mantis shrimp for his outburst…he is after all facing his own demise. However, the fisherman can’t believe what he just experienced. He takes off his boot and can’t do anything but acknowledge the power of this ancient creature. “So supposedly the mantis shrimp has the most powerful punch in all of the animal kingdom and I just felt it.” – Mr. Markus

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

20 million views later…the encounter continues to shock.


Mr. Markus entitled his YouTube video, “The day I got my ass kicked by a shrimp.” The title is hilarious and undeniably true. You can hear his realization in the video as he details what just happened. “This dude grabbed a hold of my booty and did whatever they do…put a hole in this booty and it’s the second time I’ve ever used it. They are brand new and (I have) a hole in my foot. The power of the freaking mantis shrimp…oh my God they are not joking. What the hell…that did not feel good at all.” – Mr. Markus

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

Respect the Mantis.

Mantis shrimp are formidable opponents. Their punch is fast enough to boil water and cut a finger clear to the bone. The punch is actually so fast that at the time of delivery the water around the dactyl clubs reaches the temperature of the sun’s surface. Yikes.

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

A punch delivering 160 lbs of force.

There are over 550 species of mantis shrimp and they fall into one of two categories. Some mantis smash and others prefer to spear their victims. How comforting.

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

“Shrimp from mars.”

There is no doubt Mr. Markus will remember that day for the rest of his life. Nature is truly extraordinary and we are in awe of the mantis shrimp’s last stand. They are remarkable creatures with such unique characteristics that some scientists have given them the nickname, “Shrimp from Mars.” –

YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus
YouTube screenshot - Mr. Markus

Now watch this extraordinary video of the mantis shrimp vs. the fisherman.

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