Filly’s Hilarious Determination To Get Her Back Scratched
This little one is full of personality.
Chesney McDonald

For as long as humans have domesticated them, horses have been some of our closest animal friends. It’s no secret that people and humans can develop strong, personal, genuine connections. Sometimes these are strongest when the person, the horse, or both are young. Horses can feel very real love for their human counter-parts.

Kayla Farmer on Unsplash
Kayla Farmer on Unsplash

This particular filly has quite the appreciation for its human.

Firstly, let me declare that this is not unconditional love. Nor is it even love without reward. This filly by the name of Maria has a true and deep appreciation for this man, but that’s because she receives a specialised service from him.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

And Maria will stop at nothing to get this service.


With determination in her long-lashed eyes, she pursues this man until she gets what she wants. She isn’t chasing him for food, or water or any other thing you’d normally see a young animal go after.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

She’s after butt-scratches.

Given that Maria doesn’t have a great grasp of the english language, she has one main way of letting her human know that she wants those top-notch scratches. She backs up into him until he has no choice but to give them.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

Finally yielding, the man bows to Maria’s command.

As he gives her quick scratches on her rear, she finally seems satisfied. Frozen to the spot, she stays perfectly still while he gives her what she wants.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

Slowly, our friend moves away.

Even though he (and probably we) know what’s about to happen, he calmly steps away from the filly and ceases the scratching. Within seconds however, Maria continues to back up to him, beckoning for more scratches.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

This filly just can’t get enough!

On commenter postulates that this horse is asking for the scratches because it can’t reach its rear to do it itself, which is why many animals enjoy their hinds and necks scratched.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

The baby horse will pursue this man no matter what!


Maria chases after this man relentlessly in order to present its hind for scratches. Some viewers have suggested (or should I say strongly suggested?) that this horse’s motives aren’t all cute.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

She gives him a cheeky kick in the pants as she chases him.

On the surface this seems playful and consequence free, but there may be more to this kick than meets the eye. Many viewers have suggested that in horse behavior, the filly is actually trying to assert dominance over this man. They claim that by backing up into him, the horse is actually trying to establish the man’s submissive status.

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

They are also concerned by the act of the kick.

Understandably, some viewers have expressed concern that if this wee horse is not trained not to kick and “boss” the man around, then it can grow up to be extremely dangerous as an adult.

The poster of the video however, states that the filly has been trained adequately, and concerns expressed by viewers weren’t necessary.

“This is the first and only (to my knowledge) time that she has kicked anyone, hence our surprised reactions. We did not, and would not, attempt to get her to repeat the kick. We were much more careful walking away from her after that. Maria will be trained for riding as she gets older. As my uncle’s other horses have been successfully trained, I fully expect her to have a healthy respect for humans by the time she is bigger and more capable of serious damage.”

Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot
Narnianchick/YouTube Screenshot

What do you think? Is there interaction dangerous, friendly, or a combination of the two?

Watch the full video below to enjoy this unique interaction!

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