Family drives over 1,000 miles to reunite with beloved dog stolen from backyard 6 yrs ago
Family helps reunite stolen pooch to its owners after six years
Johndel Callora

It’s nice to have your pet back in your arms after being separated for months, or even years. The relief, satisfaction, and happiness just wrap around you as you embrace your pet as tightly as you could. Just imagine how this family felt after they finally reunited with their lost dog after six whole years.

They left the pooch outside for one second, and when they came back, he was gone.

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It all happened when the Vasquez family from San Antonio, Texas, left their Chihuahua mix dog named Max playing alone in the backyard. Some thief snatched away the dog from his family, leaving the Vasquezes hopeless with the situation.

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Their hearts were broken but they did not give up on trying to find their missing dog. They went around the neighborhood and asked some people, put up “missing dog” flyers in every corner, posted on social media, and even offered a monetary reward to whoever finds and gets their pooch back to them. Unfortunately, none of their methods helped poor Max find his way back to their arms.

The family was longing for their dog for years and was surprised to see him back one day.

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Six years had passed, and Max was still not back home. Most of the family probably had given up on searching for the dog as it had been so long since Max went missing.

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However, the family was caught off guard after they received a call from a humane society in Miami, Florida telling them that they found their dog. They jumped with astonishment after hearing such unbelievable news. Who would have thought that Max went all the way to Miami, a place that’s 1,300 miles from their home in Texas?

They were told that the dog was surrendered by a woman from Florida.

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Apparently, Max was suddenly surrendered by a 25-year-old woman to the Humane Society based in Broward County saying that she was ill and could not take care of the dog anymore. She also told the staff that she got the dog from its previous owner six months ago.

Facebook/Humane Society of Broward County
Facebook/Humane Society of Broward County

However, when the Humane Society staff investigated the dog further, they found that it has a registered microchip; also, they found out that it was the same dog that went missing six years ago. The humane society then tried to get ahold of the original owners, and luckily, they were able to contact them.

The Vasquezes drove all the way to Miami to get their dog back.

Facebook/Humane Society of Broward County
Facebook/Humane Society of Broward County

It was a long shot but when the Vasquezes heard about their dog, they were really thrilled about it. So, the family drove all the way to Miami and they did not regret the 19+ hours of a ride just to get there. They finally saw their beloved Max, grabbed him from the staff, and gave him their big hugs and kisses. They drove back home satisfied, with Max finally back to where he belongs.

Microchipping your pets.

Facebook/Humane Society of Broward County
Facebook/Humane Society of Broward County

Max’s microchip was able to reunite him with his family and that alone shows how it is important to microchip your pets. These things are transplanted on your pets and is not dangerous in any way. In fact, it helps you reunite with your pet in case you would get separated. However, it does not work like a GPS.

If you get your pet microchip, you could register the pet’s name and address through a website. When your pets get scanned by a special microchip scanner, the computer would then search for the pet’s details on their database, allowing the staff to access the details needed to reunite the pet with their owner.

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