Dog Waits For Family For A Month After Wildfire
Madison's owners were forced to leave her behind, but when they finally got clearance to return home - their hearts dropped.
Jonathan Maes

The wildfire this past November in California is being called the deadliest wildfire in the state’s history and thousands of families were forced to leave their homes. The destructive blaze killed at least 85 people and injured hundreds more. Almost fifteen thousand homes were left in ashes.

Andrea Gaylord and her family needed to evacuate and were forced to leave their pup Madison behind.

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

As you can imagine, they were completely heartbroken and had no idea what to do. With the wildfire seemingly getting worse as the days passed, they all feared for Madison’s life.

When the campfire spread, Madison’s owners weren’t able to return home to come to get him. Even after the fire was completely extinguished, it took a long time before they were allowed back on their property.

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

The family’s home was completely destroyed, but Madison stood there patiently waiting.

Andrea and her family feared that their loyal four-footer would be missing or didn’t make it, but Madison simply waited until his beloved owners returned.

Rescue worker Shayla Sullivan had tried to find Madison a couple of times, but could never find him. The rescue worker and her colleagues cared for dozens of pets who had lost their homes and had nowhere to go. Shayla and the rest of the K9 Paw Print Rescue team fed and watered Madison by leaving food and water behind, but were never able to get ahold of him or saw him in the flesh. They had faith that he was alive, however.

“I had the idea of placing an article of clothing that would smell like her to keep Madison’s hope alive until his people could return,” Shayla mentioned on her Facebook page.


When Andrea returned home, she couldn’t believe that Madison was there.

“Madison’s parents were unable to get home to him when the Camp Fire spread. They hoped and prayed he would be OK. When they finally got clearance to go back to the lot where their house once stood… Madison was waiting there for them as if he were protecting his former home. Never give up!” The K9 Paw Print Rescue organization wrote on Facebook.

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

“I’m so happy I’m crying as I write this! He didn’t give up through the storms or the fire! A LOOOOONG month it must have been for him!” Shayla added.

Madison’s owners were gone for a whole month, but the four-footer never lost hope.

The reunion was absolutely heartwarming and emotional, not only for the family but for Madison’s pup sibling Miguel as well.

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

The two dogs are the best of friends and they can’t live without each other – we can only imagine how happy these pups must’ve been when they were finally reunited.

Even though Andrea’s home was a total loss, she plans to rebuild and is in good spirits.

The most important thing was that they didn’t lose their beloved pup Madison.

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

“Imagine the loyalty of hanging in in the worst of circumstances and being here waiting,” she said in an interview with ABC 10. “It was so emotional.”


“Reuniting Miguel and Madison was amazing. They said their hellos and then went back to work. Miguel took Guard over the lower part of the property and Madison took the top. It must be such a relief for Madison to have his partner back. I’m sure it makes his job that much easier…. we looked around and still are amazed that both dogs survived.”

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

Shayla revealed that she was able to use a piece of clothing from Andrea and left it near the property to keep Madison’s hope alive during those tough weeks.

Her post on Facebook was seen by thousands and some of them are even trying to help Andrea and her family by raising funds for their new home. They’re currently residing in an RV park but the costs are extremely high. Everybody now hopes that they can find a more permanent place to stay soon.

Shayla Sullivan
Shayla Sullivan

Until then, Madison and Miguel are closely guarding and protecting the family property. These well-behaved pups are loyal to the bone!

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