Family picks up dog from daycare and takes her right back after hilarious mix-up
The lesson here? Always trust a cat's instincts. 😼
Jessica Adler

It’s a common belief that pet owners can identify their furry friends in a heartbeat, even in a sea of similar-looking animals.

But what happens when a family doesn’t recognize them and they bring home the wrong one?

This is the amusing tale of a family in Virginia who, after a day at the Doggy Daycare, mistakenly brought home a golden retriever that wasn’t theirs.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

The story begins with Emmy, the family’s golden retriever, being dropped off at a Doggy Daycare.

To pamper their pet, the family decided to opt for a grooming service.

When the day came to an end, their son was tasked with picking up Emmy.

At first glance, the dog seemed different, but the family brushed it off, attributing the change to the fresh haircut.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

However, as the hours ticked by, peculiarities began to emerge.

The family’s cats, usually amicable with Emmy, suddenly became aggressive towards the dog.

This new golden retriever had a penchant for licking faces, a behavior Emmy never exhibited.

And when a particular neighbor, whom Emmy adored, walked by, the dog showed no reaction.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Concerned that their pet might be unwell, the family decided to consult a vet. They believed that Emmy’s odd behavior was a sign of sickness.

But a trip to the vet’s office revealed a twist in the tale.

A scan of the dog’s microchip confirmed the family’s growing suspicion: this golden retriever was not Emmy.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

The realization was both shocking and comical.

The family had been so certain of their ability to recognize their pet that the idea of bringing home the wrong dog never crossed their minds.

“We’re her parents; we would know,” they mused, reflecting on the hilarious mix-up.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Side by side, Emmy and her doppelganger were strikingly similar, making it easy to see how the mix-up occurred.

The family wasn’t upset with the Doggy Daycare, acknowledging that mistakes happen.

Emmy had a look-alike at the daycare and the resemblance was uncanny.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

The two golden retrievers were eventually reunited with their rightful owners.

Both dogs, undoubtedly confused by the unexpected turn of events, were probably left wondering about their brief adventures in different homes.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

The incident serves as a humorous reminder that pets, like humans, have unique personalities and quirks.

While they might look alike, their behaviors and interactions can be vastly different.

The family’s oversight, waiting until late in the evening to confirm their suspicions, highlights the importance of truly knowing and understanding one’s pet.

YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
YouTube - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

In the end, the cats were the unsung heroes, the first to spot the imposter.


The lesson here? Always trust a cat’s instincts.

And perhaps, the next time you pick up your pet from daycare, take a moment to ensure you’re bringing home the right furry friend.

Learn more about the hilarious mix-up between Emmy and her doppelganger below!

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