No one wanted to adopt this 14-year-old cat, then a family took a chance on her
Rachel Shapiro

When a 10-year-old cat named Chloe was left at a Nevada shelter, the staff worried that the elderly cat would never find a new forever home. Chloe sat in the SPCA shelter for three years. She was well taken of by the staff, but she longed for a home of her own. Now, thanks to a bit of luck and a kind cat lover, Chloe has a wonderful new home!

Chloe’s soon-to-be mom first saw the sweet cat on Instagram. “While we were doing an Instagram Live at Nevada SPCA highlighting all the cats they have available for adoption, someone watching asked how long the longest resident has been there for,” Nikki Martinez, the host of the livestream, told Love Meow.


Chloe had been at the SPCA the longest, so they put her on camera, and Nikki added photos of Chloe to her Instagram Story. A family in California who followed Nikki saw the photos and instantly fell in love with Chloe. The family drove four hours to Nevada and adopted Chloe. Just like that, the sweet girl had the home she had been waiting for!

For the first couple of hours in her new home, Chloe was a little nervous, and so she hid from her family. But after a little while, she felt ready to come out of hiding and join her new human family.

In her first few days at home, Chloe became much more comfortable in her new environment. Soon, she began purring whenever anyone pet her, and she came when she was called. She would also lie across her humans’ laps, asking for attention.

Chloe’s mom is documenting all her adventures on Instagram. From the photos and videos, it’s clear that Chloe has found the loving home that she was looking for! We’re overjoyed that this sweet kitty has the perfect new family.

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