Emaciated stray dog sees open car door and decides to take ‘leap of faith’
River saw an open car door and decided to change her life.
Jake Manning

In March, Bill Shaver, a Missouri native, was on his way home from a fishing trip.

He made a quick stop at a rest area, leaving his car running with the door open, thinking he’d only be a moment.

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

Little did he know, this simple act would become a life-changing moment for a stray dog.

While Bill was away, a malnourished stray named River spotted the open door.

Seizing the opportunity, she hopped into the passenger seat, curled up, and closed her eyes, finding a moment of peace.

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

When Bill returned, he was surprised to find a new passenger in his car.

As a dog lover with three rescue dogs at home, he was immediately concerned for the stray.

All he had to offer was a Rice Krispy treat, which River eagerly accepted, showing her gratitude.

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

Watching River eat, Bill felt a connection and decided to send a picture to his wife, Angela.

He asked if he could bring the dog home, and Angela’s response was an enthusiastic yes.

Angela later shared, “I asked him what our new dog’s name was. We decided to call her River because of where she found him.”

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

The journey home was peaceful, with River napping beside Bill.

Upon arrival, Angela and their son greeted them, but River was hesitant to leave the safety of the car.

Eventually, Bill had to carry her into their backyard, where she quickly warmed up to her new surroundings.

Bill and Angela took their time introducing River to her new dog siblings.

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

They were relieved to see that she got along well with everyone.

After the introductions, Bill gave River a much-needed bath, discovering she was covered in ticks and had some injuries.

Angela recounted, “After she was dried off and some ticks picked off, she got a good meal. Bill made her a bed on the floor in our room next to the space heater. She slept there all night.”

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

This marked the beginning of River’s new life in a loving home.

A visit to the vet revealed that River had several health issues, including tapeworms, heartworms, and wounds from fighting.

Thankfully, she received the necessary treatment and soon recovered. In her new home, River blossomed, playing with her siblings and bonding with her new parents.

“She runs in the yard and chases nothing with Winston, sits for cookies with Ginger and hogs the bed with Butters,” Angela said.

Even the family cat, initially displeased, eventually warmed up to River.

Angela Shaver
Angela Shaver

River’s leap into Bill’s car was a leap of faith that led her to a loving family and a joyful life.

Her story is a heartwarming reminder of the unexpected ways our lives can intertwine with those of animals in need.

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