Rescued Cat Acts As Surrogate Dad To Sick Kittens
Benny is the sweetest thing and loves to play the role of "cat dad."
D.G. Sciortino

You can call him Mr. Mom but most people call him Benny. This adorable little love bug of a kitty believes in paying it forward.

Benny is very grateful for all the love he has been shown since he was adopted.

So, he likes to show other rescued cats the same love and affection he was shown. That’s why he likes to play the role of the adoptive dad to the rescued kitties that his mom Ellen Carozza of The Cat LVT brings home.


When Ellen first met Benny he arrived at the shelter as one of five kittens who were extremely sick.

He was in need of a lot of TLC and Ellen was up for the job.

“He had a horrible Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) as well as being loaded with parasites,” Ellen Carozza LVT told Love Meow.


It wasn’t an easy task but Ellen wanted to make sure Benny had a fair chance at life. So she took care of making sure he got healthy.

Once Benny got healthy, he started helping Ellen care for other cats.

“Benny traveled back and forth to work with me daily for months after his siblings were adopted out (after excellent medical care) and just had this ‘thing’ about him being around other cats,” Ellen said.


He can even sense when his fellow cats are feeling weak and need a little extra love.

He also seems to know when his mom will be bringing an orphaned kitty or box of kittens home.

“Bringing home babies is like getting the BEST present ever. He gets so excited and has to help you open the carrier or poke his head into the box before you have all your stuff down,” Ellen told Love Meow.


“He always made friends and showed the younger groups, that came in, the ropes and played and socialized with them, so he grew up in it,” Ellen said.

Ellen says that Benny has deemed himself as their official surrogate cat dad.

“Every baby he enjoys giving his signature ‘Benny Blessing’ of a single pat on the head or a quick cleaning to let them know everything will be OK!” she explains.


Papa Benny has helped to comfort dozens of kittens who have had lots of health problems.

Benny can even be more motherly than some actual mother cats.

He even bathed and cuddled a little kitten who was rejected by her mother. He has an innate sense for animals who need to heal.


“We only take the cases that need extra medical care where a shelter or rescue do not want to spend the funds or have the lack of experience with the complicated babies,” Ellen said.

Benny keeps a keen eye on the kittens when they are in his house and barely lets them out of his sight.

Ellen says that Benny is at his happiest when he is caring for these special needs kitties. He makes sure that the kitties feel loved and protected.


“I’d like to think he is giving back what we gave him. A chance for a good life,” Ellen said.

You see this love machine in the video below and see more of him on The Cat LVT Instagram page here.

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