Elephant Is Adorably Protective Over Her Favorite Person
Elephants are the most loving creatures.
Emma Shallcross

The love that an elephant has for their favorite person knows no boundaries. Elephants are extremely gentle, loving, and caring creatures and can form great bonds with humans and other animals.

In fact, studies have even found that elephants find humans cute, in the same way that we humans find pets like cats and dogs cute.

Elephant Nature Park
Elephant Nature Park

Unfortunately, not all humans treat elephants with the same kindness that they give us, and many sanctuaries have opened up in areas around Asia and Africa in order to rescue elephants that have fallen victim to abuse or neglect.

The Elephant Nature Park in Chang Mai, Northern Thailand, is one of these, and they generously provide a sanctuary for hundreds of animals.

Elephant Nature Park
Elephant Nature Park

Faa Mai is an 11-year-old elephant who has spent all of her life in the sanctuary. Because of this, she has never experienced the trauma and cruelty that her mom and dad had to face.

In a post celebrating her birthday, the sanctuary said:

“Faa Mai will never suffer cruel torture training. She will never work a day in her life. She will stay in a matriarchal family group with her mother Mae Bua Tong, her big sister Tong Jaan, and adopted big sister Faa Sai for the rest of her life.”

Elephant Nature Park
Elephant Nature Park

Because Faa Mai has been brought up experiencing nothing but love and care from humans, she feels confident and comfortable around people.

In fact, Faa Mai has a favorite human who she had developed such an attachment with that she has become adorably protective.


Faa Mai’s favorite person is volunteer Lek, and in the video posted onto YouTube, we can see just how protective she is over her. As the pair stand in the water together, Faa Mai reaches out her trunk and pulls Lek in towards her to keep her safe. Lek said:

“All my hair and face was covered with mud, so I went down to the river to clean myself off. Faa Mai followed to see what I was doing. She continuously checked to make sure that I was safe, touching me with her trunk.”

Hilariously, Faa Mai then urges Lek to stand in between her front two legs and attempts to walk with Lek in between, just to make sure that she is extra safe.

Lek has been a close companion to Faa Mai and has watched her grow up over the years. She debates whether Faa Mai’s motherly actions might mean that the elephant sees her as her child, saying:

“These days she nears the same size as her mother, yet with aging she has retained such a beautiful and gentle demeanor, always demonstrating her care and respect for others… Sometimes I wonder what Faa Mai is thinking, acting always so caring and protective as if she were my mama!”

The pair certainly do have an adorable bond. Watch the video below for extra cuteness!

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