Elderly horse charges into burning stable upon realizing her grandbaby never made it out
Without a second thought she began rushing back into the flames.
Harper Gillis

The bond of love and protection that exists among family members is not exclusive to humans.

This profound connection is also evident in the animal kingdom, as demonstrated by a recent incident involving a heroic horse during a devastating wildfire in California.

The story of this brave equine, who risked her own safety to protect her kin, has touched hearts worldwide and underscores the powerful instinct to safeguard loved ones, regardless of species.


California, a state that has been repeatedly ravaged by wildfires, witnessed another massive blaze.

This fire, known as the Easy Fire, engulfed a portion of Simi Valley.

According to CBSLA, the fire had scorched a staggering 407 acres within just two hours.

By nightfall, the devastation had expanded to over 1,600 acres, prompting mandatory evacuation orders for 30,000 residents.


Amidst the chaos and destruction, acts of heroism emerged.

Good Samaritans leaped into action, assisting those affected by the Easy Fire and rescuing animals caught in the inferno.

However, one particular act of bravery, captured on film, featured an unexpected hero: a grandmother horse named Prieta.


When the fire reached a horse ranch, rescuers sprang into action to evacuate the animals.

Prieta was among those saved from the blaze.

However, instead of remaining on the highway, a safe distance from the fire, Prieta felt a compelling need to return to the ranch.

The video footage shows Prieta reuniting with a couple of horses, seemingly guiding them to safety.

Inside Edition identified one of these horses as Onyx, Prieta’s two-month-old granddaughter.


The footage shows Prieta leading Onyx and another horse from the ranch back towards the safety of the road.

This heartwarming scene shows the strong bond between family members and the power of maternal instinct, has been circulating on the internet, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the devastation.


Inside Edition embarked on a mission to locate the courageous Prieta and her granddaughter, Onyx.

They were successful in tracking down the ranch where the horses were staying.

Not only were Prieta and baby Onyx found safe and sound, but Onyx’s mother, Mona Lisa, was also discovered unharmed.

Thanks to the efforts of the good Samaritans, these horses had escaped the fire.


The footage of Prieta’s heroic act left many viewers astounded.

However, according to horse trainer Cynthia Shea, such behavior is natural.

Shea explained to Inside Edition, “It’s just a natural instinct for a mother to want to go back for their child.

We want to take care of our own, we want to take care of our group. It touches your heart.”


The story of Prieta’s bravery has elicited numerous comments from people around the world.

The California wildfires have brought out the best in many individuals, proving that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.


Sometimes, they even come in forms we least expect, like a grandmother horse named Prieta.

Her story serves as a reminder of the powerful bond of family and the instinct to protect our loved ones, regardless of species.

Watch the heroic act in the video below!

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