There are not many animals that can surpass the cuteness of a little duckling. Charley the duckling is proof how great things can come in small sizes. Charley is an adorable, small, and yellow duckling that does not like to be alone. Charley’s human dad took him out for a quick run and Charley made sure never to be too far away from him.
Watching Charley the duck on a run is complete cuteness overload.

Charley the duck is being raised as a pet by a human dad. This does not bother Charley because all he knows is the love and protectiveness that his dad provides him. Charley feels this through the process of imprinting that many birds go through.
“‘Imprinting’ is the word for how, after hatching, young birds identify the first being they encounter as their mother. Birds are not born knowing what they are, so they visually imprint on parental figures just after birth. They will identify with whatever species they imprint on for life,” Pet Helpful explains.

Charley’s imprinting explains why he runs so closely after his human dad. Charley believes that he his is mother, for all intents and purposes. There is no baby that wants their parent to be too far away from them and Charley is no different, but he still does need his exercise!
So, on a run these two will go.

The pair start their run with a slow warm up walk. Charley stays so close to his owner’s feet that it almost looks as if he is going to get stepped on! Charley’s dad must be used to this because his feet never hurt Charley throughout their run.
After their warm up, the two take a quick break before the running begins.

Charley’s dad starts to run for about ten to fifteen feet, as Charley takes off after him. It might have only been a short distance but for Charley it must have been longer. That is because Charley is so much tinier and has to use more leg power for the small distance.
Not wanting to be left behind, it is worth mentioning how fast Charley can actually run.

After another quick break it is off to the races again.
This is a bit longer run and Charley even puts his tiny wings out to help him move faster. It is the cutest image of tiny Charley running with his tiny wings out too. Charley and his dad take one more break before their last run. This time the run is a warm down and not so far.

Charley’s running exercise was not a one-time occasion. Charley’s owner shows how faster Charley becomes at running as he grows up. He posted a follow-up running video of Charley at an older age. All of Charley’s feathers became white with age, but his cuteness does not go away. Charley’s owner lets the viewers know that Charley has become afraid of people.

Charley might have become afraid of people, but he is definitely still loving to his dad as he follows him for a run once more.
Later into the second video it is Charley that is leading the run and making the rules. Charley runs ahead of his owner and even decided when the breaks will happen. It seems that Charley has become the boss in his later years. After watching Charley’s first run, make sure to check out his second, right here.

Watch Charley’s full run right below but prepare to want a pet duck of your own right after.
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