Firefighters Save Drowning Horse In Pool
WOW! Thank goodness these firefighters were clever enough to figure out how to save this horse.
Jonathan Maes

In what can only be described as in incredible and very unique rescue, firefighters were able to save a horse that had fallen into an in-ground-pool.

The majestuous animal had tumbled down in the pool and to make things worse, the pool was already filled with water. The horse was seemingly already of older age and was very much unable to get out – it wasn’t able to move because the firefighters sedated it and desperately needed help before it started drowning.

After the owners saw the horse laying around in the water anxiously thrusting its legs and trying to get back on its feet again, the firefighters quickly aided them to help.


Luckily, these firefighters have been trained for all kinds of situations – and although this probably isn’t one that is encountered on a daily basis, their know-how of animal rescues made sure that the horse got out safely.

There were a lot of different firefighters on the scène and each had a certain role to make sure the rescue could occur as harmless and as fluent as possible.


Because the horse could react in an aggressive or unexpected manner, the horse had to be sedated by the fire department to make the rescue go smoother. You can slightly see that the horse’s legs are moving during the rescue and his heavy breathing is also clearly heard on the video.

Although it was everything but an easy rescue, a number of firefighters were able to attach a net to the horse’s torso and legs, but the horse still wasn’t out of the woods yet.

It took a couple of men and a lot of time to successfully drag the horse back onto the surface again and onto a mat, where the horse could be checked for any medical issues.


It was pure manpower that made sure that the equine slowly but surely made its way up. After the animal was finally freed from the water and the pool, the firefighters dragged the horse a bit further into the grass for a closer inspection and check-up.

These firefighters definitely showed up just in time. It makes you wonder how this poor horse stumbled into the pool in the first place, but luckily it could count on the brave local firefighters who were more than willing to lend a hand.

An unbelievable rescue!

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