Camera captures dolphin creating a mud ring then a rare ocean spectacle unfolds
This is so cool!
Harper Gillis

Dolphins are renowned for their intelligence, and their unique hunting techniques only add to this reputation.

One such technique, practiced by dolphins off the Florida coast, involves the creation of “mud rings.”

This fascinating and ingenious method is as captivating to observe as it is effective.


The documentary “One Life,” produced by BBC Earth, showcased this remarkable dolphin strategy, which helps them ensnare large quantities of fish.

The footage of this technique has gone viral, attracting millions of views worldwide.


The animal kingdom is teeming with smart creatures, from chimpanzees and elephants to crows and even goats.

These animals continually astound scientists with their behaviors and abilities.

Bottlenose dolphins, in particular, provide some fascinating examples.


According to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation site, certain bottlenose dolphins in Australia, known as “spongers,” have developed an intriguing hunting method.

They pick up sea sponges and hold them in their mouths while scouring the ocean floor for food, preventing their noses from getting scraped.

Other Australian dolphins have been observed carrying conch shells in their mouths, which they bring to the surface, empty out the water, and feast on the tiny fish trapped inside.

They are extremely clever creatures.


The bottlenose dolphins near Florida have invented their own unique way to ensnare prey.

They use a method that effectively brings their prey to the surface, making it easier for them to catch.

The technique begins with a dolphin flapping its tail vigorously while swimming at a high speed, stirring up mud from the seabed.

This mud is a crucial component of their strategy.


Another key element of this technique is the dolphin’s circular swimming pattern, which gradually decreases in size.

As the mud rises in a circular formation, it forms a makeshift fishing net.

The sight of this from above is truly mesmerizing.


The fish trapped within this mud ring feel threatened and attempt to escape the “net.”

In their panic, they leap out of the water, right into the waiting mouths of the dolphins.

The footage of this ingenious technique shows the dolphins’ prey repeatedly leaping out of the water, confined by the mud ring.

With minimal effort, the dolphins enjoy a plentiful feast.


How the Florida dolphins learned this hunting method is a matter of speculation.

One scientist believes it could have originated from a single dolphin’s experience, which might have accidentally stirred up a mud plume and noticed its effect on fish.

Andrew Read, a biologist at Duke University, told National Geographic, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the behavior evolved from a single dolphin sorting out the benefits of a mud plume to use as a barrier to fish against, and then realizing that a circle is even better.”


The natural world never ceases to amaze, especially when we take a closer look.

Witnessing the dolphins catch their dinner with a net of mud is a captivating spectacle.

It’s a reminder of the intelligence and adaptability of these marine creatures, and a testament to the wonders of nature.

See this unique method dolphins utilize in the video below!

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