Dogs are one of life’s greatest gifts to human beings. Their unwavering loyalty and endless amount of love will always wait to greet you after work, turn a bad day around for the good, provide you with a lifetime of slobbery kisses, and hug you through all the good, bad, dull and great moments in life. Here are 21 precious hug interpretations of dogs hugging their humans. If you have a four-legged fur baby, don’t forget to give them a huge hug when you get home from work today! Scroll through for a heart-warming therapy session and share it with your dog-loving friends.
1. The “I already miss you” hug.
2. The “I’m never growing up” hug.
3. The “All I need is you” hug.
4. The both sweet and heartbreaking “Please don’t ever leave me” hug.
5. The “It’s my birthday” hug so I demand unlimited hugs for the next twenty-four hours.
6. The “Let’s show everyone how much I love you” hug.
7. The “Never take me to the vet ever again” hug.
8. The “You need to hug me no matter how big I get” hug. It’s an absolute requirement if this relationship is going to work.
9. The “What did you eat for lunch today” hug.
10. The “Welcome home from work” hug.
11. The “You are my favorite human” hug.
12. The heartbreaking “Please don’t grow up” hug– Please give me hugs like this even when you grow up and go away for college.
13. The “I’ll love you forever” hug.
14. The “I’ll always be there for you” hug.
15. The “Please hug me…the world is so big and I don’t want to lose you” hug.
16. The “This is the best day ever and can we go swimming everyday?!” hug!
17. The “Please hold me tight… I’m having a bad day” hug.
18. The “Let’s dance our way through the park” hug.
19. The “I’m ready for a nap” hug.
20. The “You were gone for way too long” hug.
21. The “Thank you for loving me” hug.
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