Owners confused when their well behaved dogs rip apart shed in backyard until they save a life
The dogs were so obsessed with getting inside the shed they tried to rip it apart twice, but they were trying to warn their parents that someone was inside.
D.G. Sciortino

Nico and Scott are the professional dog trainers behind Good Dogs 4 Life.

So, they were pretty concerned when their dogs began ripping their shed apart.

“This morning I came out into the backyard and saw that our doggies had decided to chew their way through the door of the shed,” Scott said in a video for The Dodo.


“These are normally very well-behaved dogs and it was totally out of the ordinary for them to just like chew through the door like that.”

Mom Nico just couldn’t understand why her dog Mango was “freaking obsessed with this shed.”

She assumed that there might have been some chipmunks that snuck in and built a nest in there.

And that the dogs wanted to get at them so they bit a massive hole into the shed.

Assuming that if the chipmunks got in they’d be able to get out, Scott covered up the hole in the shed.[0]=68.ARD240MHzmEQKkDR2KS9sxPCZpBbaMTyyHAgtivfqndAqLl-9wGMvzDFt0APAhSYIi2Fub-H-9ARWKr5PXubiMGREarzTLLWFm_8rKNZkWt3aLHwEB_2ID8W_4nNDUWkFkPcg9z4egdhLcd76eztsS0SbiH4diz59YGWNeBsY39ciBNO_3NmzjHC7dtl7a8SV4UiEabPUutL64E9lwSSr-T1k9U3M8lNKVF-ODHdIs6iV5Dx_SVOMXxYFuKFSqz8asj-_DDdRBn1S1XBLsP5Tgu0KFYxjsvPo6qb9R9_NCEUSi02NkjbeNHV8GbZfLTWrjfjpe6BqDqUnNMwcZAmBEE&__tn__=-R


“I screwed a piece of plywood where the hole was to keep the dogs out,” he said.

But that didn’t keep the dogs away from the shed.

“After that, the dogs kept acting weird and they kept acting totally obsessed about that shed.”

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Nico went outside not long after that and the dogs to the shed since they kept running from that way every time she called for them.

She noticed that they were still adamant about getting inside that shed.

They started to chew through the siding as well. That’s when she realized why.

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She heard meowing coming from the inside of the shed.

The more the meows that were heard the more desperate Mango became, trying to chew into the side of the building to get at the kitten making the noise inside.

When Scott opened up the shed he found a single baby kitten.[0]=68.ARBbP6yV3v9X6QKT85yXYJLBXW8Jv3G8woAEn3VFEw3HTJMigaVtRC4bEITDmEf-grgDTYoRhGy-HJXe1uIa7qVhNoDxGCRhnBj43eMBj-FZ3cQkLDfni3XWRdoPIBNm8OB4nkBk0A_8kjP7pjtWotydme4nRZjGPjuQWHQVq3UXHsroPb2qY9Q2DZfhyRcBPLPVQK0IiW5dVfYfJMxpjF7GBwZ5gSBnKLEOW5OxjIb2bhBefMG1pFnj63JvzfJLIfni5rHnq60Ua05djWt6-Lwlg-mQQHaT2err3dO6mow9vF7f5BjabURjGyJ0Jl-UhJlnWYKTrBKpzoPLz9KJxXg&__tn__=-R

They were eventually able to rescue the kitten from the shed and placed it in a carrier with a warm blanket, food, water, and some kitty litter.

“How the kitten got in there is still a total mystery,” Scott said.

Nico explained that she assumed that a mother would break into the shed in order to have a litter of kittens but only the sole tiny kitten was found.[0]=68.ARBRREie6cIlYsSxOOZGl46UyoSGw7I_nkaNO8p9NGRg2DSjBVPkFzXA8TFs3wo3ZT3WKdHMLPbgivYj6SGh0u7DzSib8hM5yB_OJEaN9uDF3suJJ-cMipNlI35PGPRVight74wih27Lif2m5zy2BIwtLRVnpW5AKeHI2bdBtBFBru7ZuqjJaI3fRP-Ij1eBuBG4eL3NUkCsxpFqMzkBFMuGC-xCS9g5L6b7ECLQApIo0w4M1xUsBbCg1CKN77CO9YgAjMFzqBaoZIYvMb4YWmrsW8pmk1KpXjLbmV6Kku0aGWtjEGX33spSHVSIlllxHzC5Tgf7166Ihoa6iCSug0I&__tn__=-R

“She might have been just looking for shelter and she found a way in. The dogs totally saved that kitty’s life,” Scott said. “So, Nico’s allergic to cats, that’s why we don’t have a cat and she’s already starting to talk about like ‘Well, maybe we could keep the kitty if I just don’t pet her.”

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“When a kitty just like shows up in your shed you’re like come on what kind of destiny is this. Am I supposed to have this cat,” Nico explained.

But finding this kitten wasn’t Nico’s destiny, it was a woman named Ginger.

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Nico’s friend had just recently texted her about her friend named Ginger that said she was looking for a cat.

Ginger was so eager that she came and picked up the cat the same day Nico and Scott found it.

“About six weeks ago I was in a meditation and I saw a vision of this little grey and black kitten and then when Nico sent me the video of finding her, I knew instantly,” Ginger said. “I said, ‘That’s my cat. Tell me when I can come get her.”

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Since then, the kitty, which is now named Suki, has been sleeping with Ginger every night.

She’s full of life and loves to get into everything.


“It’s been a long time since I had that love for something that sweet and tender and innocent so I think maybe she rescued me,” Ginger said.

Learn more about the dogs that save this kitten’s life in the video below.

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