We have seen countless heroic acts of people rescuing animals who are in desperate need of saving. These incredible are always heartwarming.
Firefighters are not the only ones you should call when a pet is in trouble.

It is a fact that firefighters not only fight their battles with fire, but they also give time to rescue some stranded animals and even animals who got stuck on an electric post. However, they are not the only ones who are capable of doing things like this. This garbage collector proves to everyone that it is not about the profession — it’s about whether you have the heart to act.
Two garbage collectors were making rounds with their garbage truck around the neighborhood when one of them noticed something from afar.

Just recently, a pair of garbage collectors from Mexico were doing their jobs by driving around with their truck on their usual route. When they reached an agricultural area, one of the collectors, Said Zarate, noticed something drifting in a canal.
“I saw something moving in the water,” Zarate told The Dodo in an interview. “I kept looking until I could identify that it was a dog. I told my partner to stop.”

When Zarate realized that it was a helpless dog desperately trying to keep its head afloat, he immediately jumped out on the truck and brought an empty sack with him. Zarate held the sack toward the drowning dog in hopes that it would keep a grip on it with its mouth. However, the dog had no strength to do so since it was already exhausted.
The garbageman found another way to get the dog out of the canal. Zarate waited for it to drift close enough to the land and took his only chance to grab the dog from the flowing water. The dog was able to finally step on land after drifting in the canal for a long period of time.
After the rescue, the thankful dog gave hugs and licks to his savior.

Zarate and his partner were relieved that they were successful in saving the dog. As the dog was finally out of the water, he immediately recognized his savior. The dog happily wagged its tail and jumped onto Zarate to hug him and lick his face as a sign of thanks.
“After staying with us for a moment, he ran off cheerfully back home,” Zarate said. “I thanked God I was able to save him.”
The clip immediately went viral online.

The owners lived on a ranch near the scene where the accident happened. They were unaware that their dog was helplessly drifting on the canal. As the video of the rescue circulated online, the owners who also saw the clip sent their thanks to Zarate’s heroic actions.
“I’m sure he has good owners. He must just have had an accident,” Zarate told The Dodo.

Thanks to Zarate, the dog was able to live happily and healthy in its home once again. Share this wholesome video to your friends and family so they too could witness Zarate’s heroic act.
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