It was the usual morning for Margarette Wheelwright, Natassja Lindsay, and their beloved pet, Norma.
Wheelwright came home from Walmart. Their door should have automatically locked itself after she came inside and it didn’t.
“She was upstairs working on some stuff, and she heard Norma down here eating breakfast, so she didn’t think anything of it,” Natassja Lindsay said to KSL news.
Just then, one of the maintenance crews of the property alerted Wheelwright that he noticed their door was wide open.
Usually, their door would automatically lock and what made no sense was that their ring camera didn’t alert them.
Wheelwright was petrified when she realized Norma was nowhere to be found.
At first, the family thought that because the door was faulty, Norma wandered away.
The one-year-old pug was a part of their family, and even from a distance, Margarette Wheelwright would recognize her.
They were determined to find her, no matter what.
“We didn’t know she had been taken. We just thought she ran away,” Lindsay said in her interview.
The first step that the family had taken was to call animal shelters, vets, and posted missing dog signs.
They hoped that if someone saw Norma, they would call them and give her back.
After all that, the last thing they checked was their ring doorbell footage, and they were in disbelief at what they saw.
“You can see at 8:58 a.m., the front door swings open, you can see a shadow behind it, then you see the man scoop her up and just going,” Wheelwright explained what they saw in the security footage.
Wheelwright immediately felt cold as she recognized the man who stole their lovely Norma.
“Two days before she disappeared, there was a strange man who had come up to me,” Wheelwright recalled.
The man would start a conversation, then shift the topic to Norma. He asked about what breed she was if it was a male or a female dog, and how old she was.
Being from the south, Wheelwright was friendly enough to answer his questions.
What she didn’t know was that the man was already gathering information so he could steal Wheelwright’s dog.
The family started searching online and came across one listing that shocked the whole family.
There, in the classified, they saw a photo of Norma.
“She was listed as ‘A Pretty Lady, a year old. $350.50.’”
They notified the police, and they advised Wheelwright to call KSL to have them take down the post, and they did.
After many hours, they saw a Facebook post that featured Norma.
It turned out that there was a couple who took Norma in and named her Eve. They were so fond of her and how she played with their dog that they posted a photo of her.
Just then, someone recognized Norma and told the couple who she was.
In the couple’s defense, they honestly thought that they were doing a friend a favor by taking care of the dog.
“The lady, her husband’s friends with the gentleman that stole her, and he apparently wanted to keep the dog in the car,” Wheelwright told the interviewer. “They’re like, ‘No, we’ll babysit.’”
What they didn’t know was that the dog was stolen.
They were able to get in touch with the couple. After a few hours, they visited the couple, and just as they opened the door, Norma ran towards Wheelwright.
After settling home, Wheelwright called the police to tell them the update. They said that they will meet and discuss what charges to file.
Do you think the family should press charges?
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