Dog Runs Away. 4 Years Later, Dog Reappears On Owner's Doorsteps
Rachel Shapiro

When Joel and Carolyn McDonald’s beloved German Shepherd Molly ran away, they didn’t think they would ever see her again. Now, four years after they lost her, she has unexpectedly come back into their lives.


Joel McDonald was relaxing on his porch one day when a German Shepherd walked up to him. Joel thought the dog looked like Molly, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. But then, the pup put her head on his lap. Just like that, Joel was almost positive that the dog was his long-lost pet.

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WBTV Video Screenshot

Joel called his wife Carolyn in disbelief, and she came home and was amazed to see the dog. She wanted to make sure that this was their Molly, so she and Joel took her to their veterinarian’s office to have her microchip scanned.

“We didn’t ask [Joel] his name or anything. I looked down and I said ‘We got a number!’” Terry, a nurse at the vet’s office, told WBTV. “I looked it up in the computer and I said, ‘what’s your name?’ And I said, ‘that’s your Molly.’”

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WBTV Video Screenshot

There wasn’t a dry eye in the vet’s office as everyone watched the beautiful reunion between the McDonalds and Molly. Now, only one question remains: where was Molly for four years?

“I’ve asked her and asked her, but she won’t tell me where she’s been,” Joel jokingly told WBTV.

While the McDonalds may never know where Molly was or what she was doing, what’s important is that she’s home where she belongs.

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[Source: WBTV]
