Smart dog gives Oscar worthy performance to avoid going to the vet
Oh she is good! A little too good until her owner outsmarts her. 😂
Kristin Danley-Greiner

No one really enjoys going to the doctor and having a medical procedure done. They’ll avoid the scale or cringe when it’s time for a blood draw.

They’ll drag their feet and reschedule appointments. Anything to get out of it!

Flickr/Stock Catalog
Flickr/Stock Catalog

In fact, the American Veterinary Medical Association noted that slightly more than half of all pet owners confessed that their pet appeared to be scared of going to the vet.

The cutest Shiba Inu named Lulu is supposed to wake up bright and early for a very important doctor’s appointment. She is about to be spayed at the vet.

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

Except this very perceptive pup has an inkling something’s afoot. She refuses to wake up!

An ancient Japanese breed, the Shiba Inu is small but strong, spirited and sweet. This breed also apparently can be fantastic actors and lovely snugglers.

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The first documented Shiba to enter the United States was imported by a military family in 1954. But the Shiba Inu has been around since 300 B.C.

By the end of World War II, Shibas were almost extinct, but they survived Japan’s wartime deprivations and now are that country’s No. 1 companion animal. Their popularity has been growing in the United States for the past 50 years.

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It’s no wonder why! Lulu is the cutest canine! But she’s also pretty sneaky…

Lulu is snuggled in the bed under a blue and green floral patterned comforter. She’s totally hogging the right side of the bed, nestled into the pillow lying on her back.

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

It almost appears as if she’s smiling! She might be, because this little gal seems to be up to something sneaky!

Lulu’s owner Micki Fox of New Zealand walks into the bedroom to rouse the little sleeping beauty so she can load her up and head off to the vet.

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

But Lulu wants nothing to do with leaving her warm and cozy bed for a cold and sterile surgical room.

“Morning! Are you gonna wake up? Are you gonna wake up baby?”

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

Apparently Lulu isn’t, because she doesn’t flinch at all. Her human rubs her belly and scratches her head, but she isn’t budging.

She acts as if she has no idea her owner is even there!

“Are you pretending you’re dead?”

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

Her human shouts “BOO!” twice at Lulu but still nothing! The clock is ticking toward their appointment at the veterinarian and they need to get to hustling.


Lulu’s human whips the covers all the way off of her and somehow the dog’s leg remains locked in place pointing straight up in the air. She’s still not moving!

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

All of a sudden, Lulu leaps out of the bed all at attention and ready to roll. Why?

Because her mom Micki busted out the treat bag and gave it a good rattle. Very sneaky of her!

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

Dogs tend to doze off whenever they want and it’s often out of boredom. But they also wake up quickly and jump right up to an alert state like Lulu did when food was the lure.

Her Oscar-worthy video has been viewed more than 12 million times. It’s too darn funny to see!

YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids
YouTube/Fun Kiwi Kids

The photos on her Instagram and Facebook pages are super adorable, too. Lulu now has a younger furry sibling and three little humans to dote upon.

Wonder if she’s taught them the art of pretending to be out cold to avoid something? Watch the adorable Lulu play dead to avoid going to the vet in the video below. How cute is she?

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