Adorable Dog Having Time Of His Life Playing In Fountain
He is having the time of his life.
Eduardo Gaskell

Water! Yey!

That’s what was going on inside this dog’s head as he tried to play around with the fountain at the Brooklyn Museum. It’s one of those automatic fountains with a set timer that lets the water shoot up at intervals. Now people, especially kids, love it. It’s sure to capture the eyes of children. And dogs aren’t that different from kids in terms of curiosity. And playfulness.

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He’s an exuberant one.

The dog’s got a leash on so his owners must have just let him have his way for awhile. There are metal railings to keep people at a distance. Doesn’t seem to apply to this pup!

He watches the fountain with a mix of curiosity and fascination. For each time the water shoots up and falls down, the mutt watches the dazzling rise and splash before launching himself in the air to try and have a mouthful.

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The curious canine was always late though. He just can’t seem to get the timing right! Why oh why is it not working?


All he’s getting is a face full of water as gravity makes sure he gets the full facial treatment. When the fountain stops, the pooch looks down on the holes wondering why in the world it does that. What is this bloody contraption about?

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In leaps and bounds.

Doggy McDoggington’s curiosity got himself a bunch of onlookers too. The humans watching the fountain seemed to be more amused by the dog’s antics more than the brilliance of the fountain. Who needs awesome engineering when there’s a funny dog around?

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At least he’s a confident one. Other dogs would have scurried away but his natural instincts got the better of him. Plus it may have been a warm day out. A dog’s got to cool down and have a drink too, you know!

Colonel canine looks very comfortable and he doesn’t mind his surroundings one bit. He’s fixated on the fountain’s mystery and if only he could get a taste of it, he’d understand what it’s all about. You can do it!


Brooklyn’s bark.

The Brooklyn Museum is New York City’s third largest in size and was founded in 1895. It holds around 1.5 million works. There’s Egyptian, Eastern, American, African, European… You get the idea. It’s a great place to visit. Go check out this fountain too!

It has a library and archives which has approximately 300,000 volumes and a huge area that houses documents, prints and other important items. Find something in there regarding dogs and fountains would you?

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Bamboozled boy.

It’s so cute watching this dog attempt to catch the water with his mouth. He’s just always too little too late in his attempts. And every time he fails, he looks down at the water as if to say, “Hey what gives?”

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He is a laid back but independent dog who is perfectly fine being left alone. That leash doesn’t really do much. Pretty sure this happy pooch would still go home with his owners once they call for him. The kids in the back seem to be more interested in the dog than the fountain.

Imagine planning a day out with a visit to the museum only to be captured by a silly dog’s antics. That’s money well spent!

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Check out how this dog made a splash in the video below!

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