Dog Passes Out After Not Seeing Owner For Two Years
This is unconditional love at its finest. <3
Rachael Butler

If your dog does not pass out in excitement about being reunited with you, did she even really miss you at all?

That is one question that Rebecca Svetina never has to worry about because her dog, Casey, actually did pass out in excitement. It was a long two year separation for Casey and Rebecca but their reunion was a very special moment. Casey wanted to make sure her mother knew how much she was missed and could not stay still, quiet, or even fully awake at times.


Rebecca Svetina had to be separated from her loving Schnauzer pooch, Casey, for two full years because of a job opportunity. Rebecca was not close either, she was completely out of the country. Rebecca and Casey resided in Murrysville, PA together but Rebecca had to move to Slovenia for her career.

Casey would have to miss her mother for two very long years before the surprise reunion.


When owners have to leave their pets for an extended amount of time, many owners worry that they will be forgotten, but do not worry.

Wag Walking explains, “as long as your pup associates you with happy, loving memories, expect to see pure and utter joy from your fluffy BFF. They may jump up on you, give you slobbery kisses, or even whine, bark, or howl, since they can’t contain their happiness … Other times, they may not recognize you right away by your face (especially if it’s been a while and you’ve changed!). Your pup will get it, though, it may just take a little sniff test before the lightbulb goes off!”


Wag Walking details that studies have proven that the longer the separation, the more your pooch will be excited to see you again.


This is shown the moment Casey’s eyes landed on her mother, her excitement overtook her.

Casey cannot stop whining and loving on her mom. The reaction shocks Rebecca who cannot stop laughing or keep the smile off her face. This is one homecoming reaction that she did not see coming. She does not know what to do, so she sits on the ground to stay close to Casey. It all becomes too much for Casey and she immediately passes out and falls on her back.


Rebecca quickly checks on Casey, who still cannot get her emotions controlled and passes out again.

Rebecca starts to sooth Casey to calm her down and gets back up help from who Casey has been living with the past two years. Casey stays excited through her barks and whines to her mother. Casey cannot believe her mother is finally home and is going to be very vocal about their reunion.


Casey finds herself in her mother’s arms again and cannot believe that she is not dreaming. Casey is the happiest girl in the world to have her mother home. Rebecca wants all her viewers to be reassured that Casey is completely healthy after passing out two times. Casey went to the vet to be checked on and the vet was even shown the video.

Casey was given a clean bill of health, just a happier dog with her mom home.


Casey and Rebecca’s reunion has been viewed over 53 million times! Check it out for yourself, in full, right below.

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