Abused Dog Found Bloodied In Chicken Cage
Thankfully, Lucky was found by someone who cared and is in the hands of people who love her and are helping her to heal.
D.G. Sciortino

Georgina Milhet was enjoying a leisurely horseback ride in Miami, Florida when she saw a terrible sight. She turned down a dirt road when she spotted a rickety chicken wire chicken cage.

But there wasn’t a chicken inside, it was a scared injured dog.

“I see this cage, and this dog with her tongue out,” Milhet told The Dodo. “Immediately, I yell to my nephew, ‘Throw me the bottle of water.’ I jumped off the horse and got close to the cage to see how she’d react. She was wagging [her tail], tongue out, and drank the whole bottle of water.”

Georgina Milhet
Georgina Milhet

After drinking her water, the fox-like husky tried to crawl out of the cage. Milhet noticed the poor pup was dragging her stomach, so she had to help the dog out.

“That’s when I thought, ‘Oh Christ, this dog can’t walk!’” Milhet said. “I thought she was injured or run over.”


The dog was covered in cuts and scabs. She was bloodied in places and her legs were bent and twisted and appeared to be broken. Milhet was absolutely heartbroken.

Cindy Muniz Cooley Rapoport
Cindy Muniz Cooley Rapoport

“I have seen things that are beyond, but I have never seen anything like this,” Milhet said. “Her paws looked like bags they were so bruised, and her nails were so ingrown that they grew backwards into the paws.”

The level of neglect and abuse that this dog endured was just astonishing to Milhet.

Despite being in pain, the sweet little dog’s tail was wagging the whole time. Milhet put the dog on the back of her horse and brought her home. She named the dog Lucky, gave her a bath, and started to cut away her matted fur.

Georgina Milhet
Georgina Milhet

GTS Husky Rescue, a local animal rescue group, heard about Lucky’s story on social media and brought the dog to a veterinary clinic to receive medical attention.

It was determined that Lucky was between 2 and 3-years-old.

She had likely been on her own for some time without regular meals. Even GTS Husky Rescue was shocked to see the condition Lucky was found in.

“It’s just terrible to see her struggle she can only walk a couple steps then she has to relieve her front two paws because they hurt,” said Kaylin Ricciardi, a volunteer with GTS Husky Rescue, told CBS 12. “It’s really heartbreaking that people have no hearts to just dump dogs in the middle of nowhere.”

Doctors aren’t really sure how Lucky’s legs became so crooked.

“She has major deformities of her legs, and there are different possibilities for how that could have happened,” Natalie Lucia, director of GTS Husky Rescue, told The Dodo. “We have been told that it may have been a result of her being kept in a cage, it could have been caused by bad injuries that she was never treated for … and there’s always the possibility that she could have been born that way.”

Georgina Milhet
Georgina Milhet

Lucky’s condition is so severe that doctors won’t even perform surgery since it would require too many painful procedures. But there is hope for Lucky.

Once she heals up, she will receive four special prosthetics.

They will be tailored to fit her way of walking. Once she gets them, Lucky will be able to walk and even run and play with her new prosthetics. Until then, Lucky is receiving all the love and care she could get from the crew at the GTS Husky Ranch.

Georgina Milhet
Georgina Milhet

“This dog is one of the sweetest dogs in the whole world,” Lucia said. “She wants to kiss you and she wants to be next to you, and there is not a mean bone in her body. After everything that she’s been through, she’s the sweetest animal.”

Lucky loves all the attention she gets from staff and being carried around like a baby.

“She likes the dog bed, now that she’s got one. But she just likes to sit next to you and be petted all the time,” said GTS Husky Rescue volunteer Cory Shaver.

Georgina Milhet
Georgina Milhet

Lucky is living the good life now and things will get even better for her when she gets her prosthetics.

After that, she’ll be put up for adoption and will find her forever home where she can be happy for the rest of her days.

You can help make a donation for Lucky to get her prosthetics by making a donation here.

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