When Buttons the deer needs help with her kids, she turns to one of her oldest friends for help.
And that friend just so happens to be a dog named G-Bro.
G-Bro and Buttons have been friends for more than 11 years.
“When we first rescued Buttons we had a friend that had raised a deer and somebody called them and said a mama deer was hit by a car,” Lorrie, G-Bro’s mom said. “They called us and we had the knowledge from our friend of how to raise a deer.
It took a lot of work but our whole goal was to let her be wild but also just become a part of the family.”
And that’s exactly what Buttons became: a member of the family.
One that makes sure to keep in contact.
She’s been visiting Lorrie and G-Bro’s home for the past 11 years.
“I think that’s special for anybody to have a best friend all these years,” Lorrie said. “And I think they’re both blessed to have each other.”
Since Buttons is a part of the family, it was a really big deal when she first had babies.
She, of course, brought them to the house to visit mom’s best friend G-Bro.
“The first time Buttons brought her babies to meet our dog, there was excitement for all of us,” Lorrie said.
“We literally are all shouting in the house.”
But no one was as excited as G-Bro was.
He absolutely adored the babies and didn’t hesitate to help out with childcare duties.
He would play with them, groom them, and cover them with affection.
“But he’s just as gentle as he can be. He just literally acts like another mom and she’s just like, ‘My buddy is helping me.’ It’s just been so special and she brings them back every year. It’s incredible.
We know it’s a very unique situation but it’s special to both of them. I think G-Bro and Buttons just mean family to each other.”
And while G-Bro was grooming the babies, Buttons was grooming G-Bro.
Being cleaned by Buttons is one of G-Bro’s favorite things.
It’s also one of Buttons’ favorite things. Buttons makes regular house calls to see G-Bro.
“Buttons will just show up at the door and that’s when you know she wants to see her buddy. She’ll even paw at the door if you’re not answering in a timely manner,” Lorrie says.
Sometimes Buttons won’t even wait for someone to invite her in, she’ll just walk right on it.
But that’s what family does.
When Buttons comes calling for G-Bro, they love to do their favorite activity together.
They love being outside together, especially when they get to go for hikes.
“They just love hanging out. They love playing in the snow.
They have each other’s back and they love each other and will always remember and love each other,” Lorrie said.
Check out their incredible friendship in the video below!
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