Dog who lost trust in humans finds foster mom who refuses to give up on him
Scheduled to be put down because he wasn't a good candidate for adoption, an LA rescue organization took a chance on an abused pup. Now he's living his best life with his new mom.

At first, they called him “Legs” because that’s where the poodle mix’s horrific injuries were.

It appeared the dog about to be euthanized had been dragged by a car. But clearly he had been abused before that as well.

The vets thought there was no other rational choice but to put him down because he was injured, terrified of humans, and unlikely to ever be a pet to anyone without a significant investment.

But a rescue organization called Dogs Without Borders looked at the snarling dog and decided to take a chance on him.

Their first order of business was to change his name. No longer would he be defined by his injuries.

They called him Corks and set about getting him the medical care he needed.

“[He was] about to be put down at the shelter,” Corks’ rescuers wrote in a Facebook post. “He had lost so much trust in humans.”

As he healed, the organization looked for a good foster fit for him – and he clearly preferred men (perhaps because of a history of abuse by a woman).

They posted a plea in December of last year trying to find him a foster dad and even offered to pay for all of his supplies:

“Corks needs a foster ASAP, preferably a man who has some medical knowledge because of his bandage changes and/or male and female combo. He needs to time to trust women again. He’s a 3-year-old, 17lb Poodle, he was found as a stray with lacerations on each of his legs. We have no idea what happened to him but he is safe with us. He has come a long way but needs confident foster.”

But who would have the time and energy to give this dog the love and patience he needed?

It took a few months to find someone willing to take on the challenge – and that person ended up being a woman named Brooke Wilson.

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Upon hearing his story she volunteered to take him home and teach him how to love and trust again. It was a tall order, but she (and her roommates) were ready for it.

“In the first week, he growled at me, my roommates, and most people he met,” Wilson told The Dodo. “He was slow to trust.”

Change doesn’t happen overnight. However, with enough patience, it DOES happen.

“As time has gone on, he’s grown to trust people more and more,” Wilson said. “Initially unwilling to let a single person touch him, he now loves to spoon and greets me with kisses all over the face.”

Because of his 180-degree turnaround, Corks became a “foster fail” – a dog that a foster ends up keeping.

Wilson couldn’t imagine life without the dog she had seen go from terrified and antisocial to cuddly and playful.

He was hers.

So Corks now had a forever home – and he wouldn’t have to go through the trauma of adapting to another family after everything he had already been through. And Wilson wouldn’t have to give up the dog she loved so much.

“It was clear to me that I wanted nothing more than to make him happy for the rest of his life,” she told The Dodo.

And just look at him now!

“He’s a total goofball and very much a sweetheart,” Wilson said. “He amazes me every day.”

You’d never know this dog had been abused and injured and was completely untrusting just 4-5 months ago.

“Getting an abused dog to trust you can be challenging,” Wilson said. “But love and patience can truly work miracles.”

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Dogs Without Borders and Wilson have both reminded people that it’s important to give the special ones a chance – that even a dog that seems far-gone can be redeemed with love and patience.

No longer the scared and snarling wounded animal he once was, Corks is now loving life. And he’s living it to the fullest!

As Wilson said in a comment on the rescue’s update:

“As his new mama, I can attest, IT’S SO WORTH IT! Thank you Dogs Without Borders for saving this baby, and nursing this love of mine to health in addition to everyone who donated and participated in his recovery! This organization really does save lives, as does every dollar generously contributed to their efforts.”

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Kudos to everyone involved!

You can follow all his adventures on Instagram at @herro_mr_cutie.

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