Dog passes an abandoned kitten in need and leads her to her home for safety
The Yorkie was taking a potty break when she saw the kitten and refused to abandon it.
Michael Dabu

Hazel, a delightful mix of Yorkie, Chihuahua, and poodle, resides in Abilene, Texas, with her loving owner Monica Burks.

Known for her sunny disposition and empathetic nature, Hazel possesses a heart full of compassion, reminiscent of a service dog’s spirit.

Her cheerful demeanor brightens up Monica’s life every day, creating a bond that is both heartwarming and inspiring.

Hazel’s presence is a constant source of joy and comfort in Monica’s home.

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Youtube - Happily

One rainy day, Monica let Hazel out for a quick potty break, expecting her to return swiftly as usual.

However, as minutes turned into what felt like hours, Monica’s worry grew.

The rain poured down steadily, and there was no sign of Hazel.

Concerned and anxious, Monica started to fear the worst, unable to fathom why her beloved Hazel was not back yet.

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Youtube - Happily

Meanwhile, out in the rain-soaked streets, Hazel had stumbled upon a heartbreaking sight.

By the roadside, a tiny, abandoned kitten was crying out in distress.

The poor kitten was drenched, shivering, and utterly alone.

Hazel’s innate sense of compassion kicked in immediately.

She knew she had to do something to help the helpless creature.

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Youtube - Happily

Despite the relentless rain, Hazel didn’t hesitate.

She began to encourage the kitten to follow her, her small frame braving the weather with remarkable determination.

Hazel’s barks and nudges were filled with urgency and care, conveying a message of safety and warmth to the tiny kitten.

The kitten, sensing Hazel’s kindness, tentatively started to follow her new friend.

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Youtube - Happily

The journey back home was not easy.

The rain continued to pour, and the kitten struggled to keep up.

But Hazel was persistent, never giving up on her mission to rescue the kitten.

Step by step, she led the kitten closer to home, her determination shining through despite the challenging weather.

Each time the kitten lagged, Hazel would stop, wait, and encourage it to continue.

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Youtube - Happily

Finally, they reached Monica’s house.

However, a new obstacle presented itself: the doorstep.

The kitten was too small to climb up on its own.

Hazel, displaying extraordinary patience and care, gently picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck, just as a mother cat would.

She carried the kitten over the doorstep, ensuring it reached the safety of the porch.

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Youtube - Happily

Once inside, Monica was astonished to see Hazel with the drenched, trembling kitten.

She immediately understood what had happened and quickly took the kitten in her arms.

The kitten, named Sheba, received the care it desperately needed.

Monica dried her off, fed her, and provided a warm place to rest, all under Hazel’s watchful eye.

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Youtube - Happily

As days turned into weeks, Sheba flourished under the care of Monica and the protective gaze of Hazel.

Monica’s brother Michael, touched by the story of Hazel and Sheba, decided to adopt the kitten.

However, they made sure that Hazel and Sheba would not be separated for too long.

The bond between the two animals was special, and they continued to spend time together, playing and enjoying each other’s company.

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Youtube - Happily

Hazel’s incredible act of kindness did not go unnoticed.

Her actions exemplified the profound impact a small, compassionate creature can have.

From a rainy day in Abilene to a forever home with Michael, Sheba’s life was transformed by Hazel’s unwavering determination and empathy.

This heartwarming story of Hazel and Sheba serves as a beautiful reminder of the extraordinary bonds that can form between animals and the remarkable acts of kindness they are capable of.

Watch Hazel lead Sheba to safety in the video below.

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