Cat and dog show off their hilarious differences in obstacle challenge
We know cats and dogs act very differently but this is just hilarious!
Rebecca Reid

Did a cat vs. dog obstacle course finally settle an age-old debate?

Cats and dogs provide us with so much love and entertainment. They really are there for us no matter what. You may be a cat person or dog person or a person that has love in their heart for both.

However, it has always been fun to debate which pet is the ‘best’ pet.


When faced with a problem, cats and dogs react in very different ways. This was proven true during a Dogs vs. Cats challenge that went viral.

For the challenge, a mini ‘roadblock’ was set up that forced the animals to think on their feet..or should we say paws.


The idea is simple and the result is beyond entertaining.

An obstacle course of items such as markers, nail polish bottles and pencils are placed in a hallway and the pets must find a way to cross. The challenge has been very popular on social media and it attempts to find out which animal handles the situation better.

Let the games begin.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

It’s a battle of wits, grace and lovable facial expressions.

The unique personality traits of our furry friends are on full display after they are caught off-guard with the sudden change in their usual routine.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

“I have lived with several Zen Masters – all of them cats.” – Echhart Tolle

In the video, the cat seems to survey the scene in front of her with an aura of confidence. She approaches the maze without much thought and tip-toes effortlessly across the hallway without disturbing a single item.

Her initial reaction seems to include a bit of ‘meh’ with a side of ‘yawn.’

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

You can almost hear the applause from cat lovers across the world.

The cat completes two more tasks of walking through the items without touching a single one. This cool kitty isn’t phased at all.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

Next up is one of the adorable golden retrievers.


The dog has a slightly different reaction. There seems to be some emotional turmoil going on inside that adorable pup’s head. It seems to be a mix of shock, panic, excitement, confusion and bewilderment.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

Don’t count this pooch out yet.

A dog never runs away from a challenge…except possibly for anything that smells like food.

The first golden retriever does her best to get through the sea of obstacles as gingerly as possible. So what if she takes out 2 or 20 pieces? She got what she wanted in the end…which was to be with her human on the other side of the barrier.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

We will focus on their cute faces and not the objects falling over.

The next two golden retrievers have a similarly panicked reaction when they come up against the hallway full of items. A lot of pacing and tail wagging happens before deciding they are going to go for it.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

As carefully as they can, the dogs do a pretty good job of navigating the terrain.

Their positivity prevails and even though they have knocked down several items, we will give them 10 points for effort and 10 points for bravery.

YouTube screenshot - Goldenland
YouTube screenshot - Goldenland

The cat on the other hand almost seemed irritated by the human’s efforts to challenge her.

We give the cat 10 points for being sassy and 10 points for not caring about being sassy.


We never cease to be amused by the way cats and dogs think and act differently. It seems that cats win on grace, self-assurance, and diva-ish elegance. The dogs win on determination, lovable spirit, and the ability to make us laugh.

They both, however, win our hearts each and every day.


Now check out the hilarious video of the cat vs. dog challenge!

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