Delivery driver’s nervous seeing dog on porch but it turns into the cutest interaction
After the homeowner watched the footage, she knew it should be shared with the world. 🐶
Jenny Brown

It’s a commonly held belief that dogs aren’t big fans of mail carriers.

This notion isn’t baseless. After all, for a dog that’s protective of its family and home, an approaching stranger might seem threatening.

So it makes sense that delivery drivers have to be cautious when making their stops – especially if they encounter a pet that’s outside of the home.

Unsplash - Kamila Wk
Unsplash - Kamila Wk

One doorbell camera video showcases an unforgettable interaction between an Amazon driver and a canine resident.

It all took place during a delivery, and it’s since won hearts across the internet!

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YouTube - T&T Creative Media

Grace, an 8-year-old pit bull mix from Missouri, was enjoying her day on the porch.

But just as she was in the middle of relaxing, Eric, an Amazon delivery driver, arrived with a package.

A Ring camera recorded what happened next, which the homeowner later shared with the world because of how sweet it was.

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Unsplash - dole777

Initially, Eric doesn’t spot Grace.

But when he does, he’s taken aback and stops in his tracks on the walkway.

He adorably addresses her saying, “Oh, hi, Pretty!”

It’s obvious that he’s not too sure if the dog is approachable or not.

YouTube - T&T Creative Media
YouTube - T&T Creative Media

Seeming a little nervous, the Amazon worker asks,

“Are you friendly? I feel like you’re not.”

Eric then spends a moment on his phone as he decides what to do.

The whole time, Grace hasn’t budged a single inch (hey, she was comfortable).

Eric makes his move.

At first, he plans on just leaving the package on the walkway, even telling the pit bull,

“I’m going to set it for your mom right here, okay?”

But then he decides to go a little further.

While looking at Grace, he nervously sets the package on the porch, saying, “Hi, I’m Eric.”

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YouTube - T&T Creative Media

This is where it takes a heartwarming turn.

Grace, who’d been sitting like a statue the whole time, finally stands up and starts wagging her tail.

Turns out, she was a loveable sweetheart after all!

YouTube - T&T Creative Media
YouTube - T&T Creative Media

Eric immediately lightens up as Grace calmly approaches him, just wanting some love from him.

In that moment, a new friendship is born.

The footage then shows Eric petting Grace and telling her she has beautiful eyes… Awww!

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YouTube - T&T Creative Media

According to T&T Creative Media, Grace’s mom, Ashley Gore, was in the backyard when the adorable interaction took place.

She captioned her Instagram video, “Winning people over one delivery at a time… Hi Eric, I’m Grace.”

The video quickly gained traction online.

Eric, noticing the video’s popularity, left a comment on Ashley’s post, expressing his delight at Grace’s newfound fame.

He fondly recalled their encounter, writing, “howdy, listen your pup went viral ahhhhhh! 😍 she was such a sweetheart when I met her! 💙 can’t wait to go visit her again….”

YouTube - T&T Creative Media
YouTube - T&T Creative Media

Given Grace’s frequent porch hangouts, it’s quite possible that she and Eric might cross paths again.

Who knows, their next meeting might be just as endearing as the first!

Press play on the video below to see the heartwarming interaction for yourself!

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