Deer comes barreling into garage door then total mayhem follows
They were running so fast they had a difficult time stopping.
Jonathan Arrastia

Deer caught in headlights

Nature is raw. Nature is extreme. But most importantly, nature is unpredictable. When you think of all of the things that can occur out of the realm of possibility, one thing is for certain, never discount the fact that nature already has a plan for it.


On a bright early day, a video camera catches a deer running at a blistering speed only to meet a dead-stop at the foot of someone’s garage door. Yeap, you read that right: a garage door! The wild animal sprinted with no clear direction right smack into the door without any afterthought.


Think you scratched your head enough? Think again! After just a few seconds, another pack of deer come hurtling down the same path. Only this time, they took note of what happened to their previous family member who decided to get brave. Instead, they only stumbled in front of it and as they tried to regain their composure on their way out.


The man of the house didn’t seem too happy about it

Nor did understand what happened in general. Using profanity and explicit words at the end, the man could barely comprehend what exactly motivated the deer to do such a ridiculous stunt. Was it because it was chasing their partner and caught the scent of something similar inside the garage? Could it be that maybe the garage door looked like the next potential suitable mate? Was this deer in reality an alien in disguise trying to break through and establish contact with nearby humans? We’re only left to speculate what crazy logic that wild deer was using.


In reality, some deers run into nearby objects, such as cars in traffic, simply because they are spooked. They hear noises and disturbances emanating from engines and houses and can invite them to find out what the commotion is all about. The main reason, however, is that deer are actually less worried about their safety and more focused on reproduction than anything else.

Nick Ares
Nick Ares

As a result, they tend to want to find a mate as soon as they hear anything that can cause intrigue in them. In 2014, the University of Georgia’s Deer Lab strapped tracking collars on 35 deers and found out that most deer collisions happen between the hours of 10:00pm-3:00am. Since the deers cannot see very well, and they are already in heat, their first instincts is to figure out what they hear in order to see if it’s something worth chasing.

richard pigot
richard pigot

The chase for this deer was not very fruitful to say the least

If finding a mate requires hitting a garage door from time to time, then being a deer is pretty rough. The fact that it was daylight and there was really no disturbance in the house showed just how strange this incident was. The last plausible reason could be that maybe that deer had a little bit too much to drink the night before and unfortunately there’s no such thing as Uber in the world of a deer.


Whatever the case is, this is just the type of stuff that can happen when nature decides to act wildly.

The owner of the house will never forget such a crazy event. There’s really no explanation for what occurred. One could only guess, and ultimately, have a nice laugh coming up with possible reasons as to why that deer decided to act like Crash Bandicoot.


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