There’s a forest in southern Ontario where the deer can’t be hunted and have therefore learned to trust the humans who come through it.

And there’s one man in particular that they’ve grown to like because he shares his apples with them.
The sound of his first crispy bite brings them out of the trees.

Now, it’s not technically a good idea to feed wild animals. They need to learn to be self-sufficient and if they associate humans with food, they can become aggressive.

But with over a million views on just one of his videos alone, it’s clear that people enjoy watching these kinds of interactions between people and wild animals. And let’s face it, they have no other reason to come near us other than to get a snack.
The Canadian man’s videos went viral in 2018, but a more recent video from this year is making the rounds as well. It looks like he’s still at it!

The two original videos seemed to charm viewers partly due to how graceful the animals were. They weren’t really begging for food, but they were happy to delicately pick up the pieces he tossed their way.
“What a beautiful, magical experience! That lucky, lucky man!” said one commenter.

Other commenters joked that this guy might just be a Disney princess in disguise.
You can see from this photo that one deer was watching closely to make sure he could be trusted before signaling to the other creatures that it was ok to approach.

According to the video caption, this really is a rare event, especially since the deer let their babies get close to the man.
“This man waited until the deer were very close and he began eating an apple and throwing pieces on the ground. The deer ran to share it with him. The surprising part was that they actually brought their fawns over too.”

A doe will be very protective of her little ones, so the fact that she signaled to them that it was safe made it an extra special moment.
“Does typically hide their fawns in the long grass, often separately, in order to protect them from predators…Fawns are always watching their mother and she will use a complex set of tail and ear movements to communicate with them…This man had an incredibly rare treat as she brought her fawns very close.”

Very few commenters were critical of the man for feeding the deer, which is special in itself since that’s what commenters are wont to do.
It seems that not only did people enjoy watching this encounter with nature but they were mesmerized by the lush, green scenery too.

Of course, people immediately wanted to go to the location, not realizing that the more humans that show up there the less serene it will be.
Nevertheless, someone provided potential location details in the comments.
“If I’m not mistaken, he’s in Apsley, on Jack Jake. It’s located just off Hwy 28, an hour north of Peterborough, ON. I’ve been there many times. The deer are only a little skittish, and they warm up to nice people quite quickly. It’s a little piece of paradise. The sanctuary is real but it doesn’t get advertised or even well signed. The village of Apsley likes it that way.”

Needless to say, if you do go, keep it clean and green! And make sure it’s not frowned upon to feed the animals.
Be sure to scroll down below to see two sweet videos of the man’s special encounter.
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