The Thirsty Crow.

During our childhood or maybe during kindergarten, most of us probably were told about one of Aesop’s fables called The Thirsty Crow. In the story, the thirsty crow found a small vase of water, but he couldn’t reach the water with its beak. Because of that, he began picking up pebbles, dropped them into the vase of water until the water level slowly rose and he was able to drink.
Although they might be quite intimidating in appearance, the story just showed us a glimpse of how smart they are.

Crows are considered one of the most intelligent birds in the world, and many researchers have become interested in how smart these birds are.
According to a 2012 University of Cambridge study, after recreating the scene from The Thirsty Crow, the birds had no problem resolving the problem. The same was done with a group of children, but only kids that are ages seven to 10 were able to solve it.
Aside from solving puzzles in the lab, these crows help solve other animal’s problems too.

This person was just driving with his car on the streets of Ogres Pilsēta, Latvia when he noticed something peculiar going on in the middle of the road.

The driver slowed down and stopped, and he saw a hedgehog scared stiff in the middle of the road. Beside that hedgehog was a small crow, poking the hedgehog from behind with its beak.
This hedgehog had trouble crossing the road, but this crow arrived to help

The poor hedgehog couldn’t do anything by itself, and he got himself stuck in the middle while trying to cross the road. The crow did its best to assist him by pushing him using his beak as if encouraging the hedgehog to stand up and go.

There were times when the scared hedgehog would make a sudden stop and curl, but the crow continued to assist him until the hedgehog arrived at the other side. After the crow’s mission was completed, he simply walked away with satisfaction.
The passerby managed to capture the whole thing and shared it on the internet.

The video easily went viral on the web, gaining 600,000 views through ViralHog. The comment section was filled with funny puns, and wholesome reactions about the crow’s kindness, but some just don’t buy it. They think that it’s mainly predatory, and the bird was just bullying the poor creature.
No matter how you look at it, it looks like the crow was genuinely helping the hedgehog.

Crows had the reputation of being playful and mischievous birds; in fact, they are sociable birds as well. That’s why, in the video, many are convinced that the crow was actually helping the hedgehog cross the road.

There may be a chance that the crow was just messing around, but you’d be convinced of how the crow intently pushes its beak to encourage the hedgehog to move.
We will never really know what really went on the crow’s mind during that time, but if it wasn’t for him, the hedgehog would not be able to cross the road safely.
Check out the incredible video below!
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