Couple Adopts An Unusual Pet Rooster
Rachel Shapiro

Roosters are known for being natural alarm clocks, and they famously make a noise that sounds like “cock-a-doodle-doo.” But this rooster, Mr. p-Blizzard, has a crowing method is a bit more unorthodox. This rooster wakes up his family by screaming in their faces.

Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard
Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard

P-blizzard’s wake-up call isn’t the only unusual thing about the rooster. Everything about him is a bit out-of-the-ordinary, including the way he found his current home.

The rooster’s owners, Subramanyan and Brian Kelly, are part of an animal rescue organization. When they were on their way home from a dinner party one snowy night, they received a call about a rooster who was wandering around the town of Erin, Ontario. They quickly headed to the town, where they asked a policeman about the bird.

The policeman led them to a nearby junkyard, and they discovered the rooster hiding from the snow under a broken-down car. Subramanyan and Brian knew they had to rescue the rooster before it froze, but the only tool they had to catch him was a pair of oven mitts from their dinner party. They were able to use the mitts to get him, and they brought him home. They named him p-Blizzard after the snowstorm.

Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard
Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard

“I asked Brian if we could keep him for a little while,” Subramanyan told The Dodo. “Then I looked around wildly on the internet to see if anyone could keep a rooster. I found house roosters and that there are things called chicken diapers – and ordered them.”

P-Blizzard now has an impressive collection of diapers. His diapers feature everything from cartoon characters to bumblebees to flames.

Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard
Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard

The rooster also knows how to get what he wants. He has about 25 different sounds that he uses when he’s hungry, tired, or just simply wants to say hello.

Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard
Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard

P-Blizzard isn’t the only animal in the Kellys’ house, but he is the undisputed leader. The Kellys’ other pets, a pug and three cats, let p-Blizzard call all the shots.

Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard
Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard

Even though p-Blizzard puts on a tough-guy act, he’s really a big softie. He lets Subramanyan and Brian pet his beak, and he never pecks them. He also enjoys cuddling up with the other animals in the house.

Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard
Facebook / Mr. p-Blizzard

Subramanyan and Brian share p-Blizzard’s antics on his Facebook and Instagram pages, which they update frequently with new photos and videos of the bird waddling around their house. P-Blizzard is truly a one-of-a-kind rooster!

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source: The Dodo
